Episode #162 - King of Idols

Broadcast Date: 2013-09-08 (filmed on 2013-08-26)

Location: Old Cheongju Tobacco Factory (Sangdang-gu, Cheongju, Chungcheongbuk-do)

Description: Each Running Man is teamed up with an idol music group and introduce themselves in hilarious dance performance. A pool platform match, blop jump, dodgeball match, and a timed escape challenge are held.

Rating: 12.9%

Watches: 1012 (0000, 10bean01, 16jenn, 1nder, 3rag0n, 4mymarathon, 891125055091, abdul, abhinbn, abitlovely, abubakaz, abzur, ac1kt, ace21r, achayls, aciel, adakail, adambritt, adihamim11, adler08, adrianz, aerenzn, agata, agnetiks, ahreeyah, aidanroy4, aiha79, ailexeen, aiyaz, akimicheese, akmalwan, alam, alec, alexzheng, alilou, alizardbird, alliric, altriane, amanda, aminaash, amurita, ancoraimparo, andresugito07, andrew, angelwings08010, angrychineseone, angviic, animeln, annelilavla, annieedoo, anorganiclifeform, anothermissdrama, anta, anthayashi, aosmine, ariacyj, arijones91, ashleyow19, ashraf1407, asiabreanna, asiaprince, astig, astrosprinkle, atip5022, aungmyatsan, axur, ayakenchin01, ayalungiii, ayeayeron, azkjk, azul37, azzubirs, baconevan, balfomet, bamiebam, bananas, batpoopcrazy, bbbbbbbrrrrrrr, bbbbjjjjjjj, bcth2023, bearsan22, behzinga, ben, bernaberrr, berobot, bhuang, bigbosshardfacts, billyzheng, binky, blabalabala, blackanfuni, blackcookie, blackninja902, 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duc, duenally, duhrduhr, dunkelbluete, dunnowh0, dxt, dzikrapid, dzuhn, earvin19, ecrinycel, edche, edelweiss, eija, eirkuys, ellaescala, ellzee, emanskie, emceezenith, emilyhu, emircarmell, emloverm, emmagine20, end01, engelthal, enterafamily, envuna, epic, eqtor, ermago, eschele12, esqueleton, estellarious, etheryn, eudatg, euniceabc, exolola, extremeprobro, ezekiel28f, faasian, fangkattalakis, fatamorgana21, fatboiownz, fathurroughman, fatou, fido, finnmorning, fishwhiskers, fitzvexia, fjthomas, flamingpie12, flea, flowerlili, fodorklara, foxfan, foxxi, frozenization, fryechiken, furiousboy, gabsama, gabsouththth, geng2010, geny696, georgettemarie, gericzx, ghiacstll, ghost, gilgamesh7012, girafa, girafe, giraffe00, giraffeoppa, gloss, gomb, gonakuu, gray1701, grayphantom, grizzly, gttod, hafiz12, hagi, hakuna, haluo, hamburglar, hananananana, hansuliini, hanzi, haririabd, harold564, hashtagidontknow, hats, haykalqayyum, hecate86, heebae, heika, helena, hh2, hi12091, hmd, hohoimtired, hollow27mc, hteza, hum, hungrymommae, hwangyejified, hyejoo, hykzqwmx, iamcdr, iamzatch, icarustc, icemarbl, ichiro73, ida, iloveyok, imaginationstation, imahzahra23, iman0701, imreallydumb, insinuationism, intotheunknown, isa, isaaaangg, isbuttrcup, ishop88, isodynamix, itazura, itzsamuel, ivanh12, ivorry25, ivymarie, iw94, izumixyung, j81nn1, jacquelinekim, jaein, jamesacut, jamesrepuela, jansenb26, jas, jasclaire, jazzman, jclements, jeanellet, jeazzyy, jeezuskryst, jellybeen12, jennifer, jenny2255, jeongie, jeongyeon, jermjermjerm, jessyg13, jetalone, jiahengk, jimmyac, jimmylops, jimsoggybottom, jimsoggybottom1, jinx8evr, jinxylolo, jjampong, jjk, jjstorm, jkcardz, jl050503, jlnguyen392, jmdp0014, joashowen, jody34, joeil31, joesin1205, johnjeelee, jongnoom, joon, jordonkhoo, jown2, joy2816, jtcn, jukgetta, jumbell01, jungkookie8286, junglebert, justforlaughs, justinbb7, justinntyne, jwangathan, jwgmyg, jwong02, kae7012, kai091, kainkinlen, kaitogutz, kandi, kaolin, kappa026, karsklane, karthyhu, kateftksj2, kaue10686, kazechi, kazuma25, kbt, keboo, keerthiii, keese25, keiciaa, keke123, kelldazell, kenneeh148, kenzoakabane, kertor, kevin0wens, kexopop, key, khuynh180, kiadeethee, kimtaehyuk, kingaphrodite, kitsuto9012, kkukiefan, klol46, klynn, kmanlapig, knhuynh7, koja, kosm, kristjana, kuhaikal01, kulmeet, kungfukielly, kurolion, kurpagand, kwangsao, lancenaive, lanceskiiiiiiii, largecokenoice, largecombopho, lasduhfaker, lawrencehsj, lazyassedhunter, lazygeb, lazylayxe, lchen6490, leahpizza, leandermf, leeeeekwangsoooo, lemony09, leonid, limitzro, lincoln1480, lindaaa, linkpretender, linlinnd23, linyubear, lite, littlefriday13, littlewayz, liyahikonic, lizcr, logiburr, lokiisgood, lokman, lol576, lomily, london55, lonky, lorentzon, louberthe, lovenote, lu0pam, lucyestern, luluzzang, lycoris13, m0ntiny, m4rsung, mac93, mackers27, mackiebu, madisado, madyannejacobe, marcaxabado, markuee37, maroram, matchu, matthew, mattnac, maulvader, maycry159, mayday, mcbeefykon, mdindra12, mdomingo5, mebdasd, meliona, meowlenne, merckens, mercuryfm, meshiie, michael555, midz, mikewangsa, mintchoco, minthetkhine, mintmintchoco, minyoungp, missblank, misshangry, missmongji, misterliyum, mkt, mm122, mmmlll, mncylrmanalastas, mnpt, modestgoddess79, mojojako19, mokilo, momochino, monkeydcookie, monogatari, monsuta8, mookie, moonlight08, mori, mozart1, mrajusshi, mrkimi80, mrmaebart, mrmuse, mrtodamhumble, msmeyt94, munaakapotato, mushmon, myst, myttran, mzfmin, naksu, namiazuki, naningskie, naruy, natsudrage, nblanco37, ncunkd, neosjs, nerumin, netopia19, neverendthishow, nigmo, nikonface12, nimwa, ninalatei, nisha, nixie, niyshers, njdogino, njtabamo, nocklife, noctzy, noirrreeeee, nononoze, norotiana, notjod, nottoshabby98, noyb, npcweeb04, nueststv, nuhguhyah, nvpthuy2000, nyrely, nzone, o0flames0o, oasl, ohrimas, olivias, opepreo, oppanget, ouchie, ozzphs, papatonk, paperink, parel, park1r, pasteijin, patrickpatrick, patrycja2000, pauloc, peachimya, peasbutter, pepszy, peytypates, phampagnepapi, phatk, philkim, phlipblip, phongdust, pierdyk, pijonghoo, pikaboo14, pinkmochi, pmovva, poemyboy, poisondart, pomdel, popoyskie, porgand, porkyx3, prahmedge, psar, pudeeng, purloin, purplerain, purplesatin77, qqmotion, qshiina, raaaawr, raiszaha, randomusernam3, rarasshi, raywong18, raz, real20, red4123, red5fly, renad, reoerica, restalious, rezso12, rhalf, ricanfire94, rielmordechai, rielmrdch, rimas, riv, rizzychung, rm012, rmancan, rmhanna, rmjack, rmjade, rmjihyo, rmlog, rmwin, rockdiamond222, roland01, ronrum, rorapark, rosesky027, roxyq, rubyeyered, rudi1986, runluv, runmen, runnercho2, runningmanong, runningmanph, runningmanwatcher455, runrunrun, runrunrunrun, rvnclws30, ryan1597, ryanarc08, ryesims, rymouchat, ryushae, sailormoon, sakura18, salmon, saltedpillow, sam98tha, samid, sananwar, sandra10ung, sangmi, saolo, sara, sara48, sarahashley, sarahknightwrites, sarcaei, sarvin, saveourseouls, sayu, sayu4evr, scarlet8060, scarlet90thorn, scarnation, scascar, schzone, scifrobacito, seb29, seetruskcaj, shabnam, shadowcath, shafara, shaikha11, shamentari, shana08, sharsanchez, sherelleigh, sheri, shermanwu, shezzy, shiina, shinramyun, shotaz, shuagomez, siapasihdia6, silveratlas, silverstars, sincerelysire, sirkelvino, sivajipro, skawngurl, skyhigh13, slawed, sleepysquid, slooth15, sm1hkh, smhmatrix, smoininja, smoothtoast, snowinter, soeyannaung123444, sofiah, sololanz, solomonher, songhojin, sonylali, sostrange, souldouluo, soysayso, sparkyk13, sparta, srasinister, ss169, std531172, stingray, suarez, sun, sunrise1, svtboo23, sweetblack, sylveonanimation, synphonia, szheng, taeka1232, takezuki, tangy, tatabsales, tateharold, teeter, tephteph, terrytary, tes123, tetete, thameethu, theahuramazda, thebaybabe, thepitstraws97, thesexyasian, theya, theyallhere, tidus21, tiluna, tine21somia, toejimon, totorohugs, trackvin, trashboat, triclosan, trollmaster, ttgk, tulip, txente, tzeh2o98, tzullyoona, ub9, unknown, urisoo, urixingdae, us3n3t, user713, usernoova, useruser, ushertrio, usreq, uwu, vaishnavi42, valaha, vaniexe, velocratic, verandrea, victoria, victoriz, victorrsmc, viktor, vincentd1, vinodpoovaiah, vins, vizta, vlimon, voidtuner, vrzxck, vst1e, wakx, wall, watermelonkoala, wawer, wes, west, whateverbuddy, wilbeback, winky22, xaoo, xaroya, xepyonx, xhteng, xinyu, xselenaaaaa, xxxsoheila, xynthas, yakini, yanadieyana98, yanskrrt, yazidehier, yeoru, yeoubi, yjcc, ymhrookie7, yngtaufoo, yogavinyo, yolo29, yosoypalta, yrapamuspusan, ysasdiary, yuankhai1996, yuina, yuriaik0, yzamarie, zadael, zainak, zaix, zallone, zaqwanqaz, zay26, zee, zexus, zix, zmoser, zouzerron, zuchat, zunn, zunzelf, 176 private users)

Faves: 544 (03119, 1nder, 231soyj, 2kue, 6ixthsen5e, abbierosie, abbsa, abdul, abookwithluv, acaciawhang, achayls, adeers23, adrianz, adricchii, agata, ahreeyah, aichanjae6v6, aiha79, aimanhakim23, airashinante, akmalwan, aliasyfiah, aliciatorresola, alii, aliyazizi, alizardbird, amaz180, aminaash, aminx, amurita, anaruano16, angrychineseone, annelilavla, annieedoo, anorganiclifeform, aprilsohoo, aqilss, ar1013, arrowtotheknee, asaeyoungkimgmailcom, asasas, ashleyow19, ashyraf92, asianmaye, ayedee, azurelighting, baldovi808, bangtam, batren, bbyflesh, beastburg, berserkervii, bforbutter, binky, bishi, blackanfuni, blacklotus, blahblahfriend, blazeddoughnut, bobbb, bogart, bootleg576, bri, brightside, brumbrum96, bryan104, bunbunbri, bunnyhop70, burnice24, burningmetal, burntquasont, calistalovespink, callistawize, catanacatarina, cavanhaquis, cem, chaeyoung, channie, chaostar, charlotte06840, chelseaxia, chlzslvdr, chocolatepoopbunnything, chrisj, cindytrzn, cjace00, clarke4290, claryk, clem225, clouds, cmpauls3, cocolim, codeenamjoohyuk, colette135, cosmicv, crisa, d1luvrm, daantje, dahotsnow, daisyannatan88, dana1926, danial29, danulao, danya123, daskaelj, dayz, deadoff, ded316, def4lt89, deigue, dinkiv, diotaeri, dm06, doberman286, doffy, doodiehead, dosii, downtowncry3310, dragonlord, drquack, dsonmad, dub, duc, duhrduhr, dunkelbluete, dxt, dyrz, dzikrapid, ealfysha, edche, ehricc, eionpascua, ellaescala, ellzee, elpavo15, elyschneider, emexte, emilyb, emilyhu, emircarmell, emmagine20, eqtor, erijmo, ermago, eudatg, euniceabc, eunkiii, fangkattalakis, favourbassey, fearlessxpotato, fjthomas, flamangoe, flora, foosauce, foxxi, frogswelcome, frokoso, gabsama, genesisgrey, georgettemarie, ghost, girafa, giraffeoppa, glhprst, gloss, gmlrm, gradertake863, gruuue, gttod, hamburglar, hansybarts36, hanzi, hecate86, heehee, heenim, heibunny, helmuthampton, heyhey, hhvcruz08, hisels, historiaj, hitabox, honeyultra, hotwhiterice, houl, hp1011, hugomaximus, hungrymommae, hwangyejified, iamgican, igotzapplez, imnsyhdh, inglengn, innocentdevil, itsjustlenny, itsmarcwk, itzsamuel, ivymarie, iw94, j81nn1, jacqueline2000, jalfrz, jalfz, jayxde, jdcaole, jeazzyy, jemming, jennacoriiin, jenny92005, jeongyeon, jiahengk, jimsoggybottom, jimsoggybottom1, jinssecretaccount, jinx8evr, jlynizzle, jnunhoe, joeil31, johanal, jongnoom, joon, jordonkhoo, jrip, jungkookie8286, jupitliziam, justinntyne, kae7012, kaizen69, kajina487, kamenrideryang, kangaryth, karsons2, kateftksj2, katgray, kawaiidreamer, kazuma25, keke123, kelldazell, kenjienx, kescai, kexopop, khuynh180, kir, kkkkkkkkkk, kkukiefan, kmanlapig, kokieeeeeeeeetowerrr, kokodai, kosm, krynz, kuroinyx, kurolion, kuya, kvrnqueg, kwangsooschingu, kwo0nvs10, kyliecabiguin, l8braker, lara, lchen6490, leadersowon, lemonz, leointhegarden, leonid, lime02, limitzro, lincoln1480, linlinnd23, lizziebr, ljyoung617, logiburr, lokiisgood, london55, lovenote, lr, lu0pam, luciferir, lutfiskem, m4rsung, maerika1610, malia, malo9861, marikamaru, math2020, maycry159, mdomingo5, mengsuko, metro, mianlien, mikeira, mimihalfway, minari, misamo, missmongji, modestgoddess79, momicchi, monsuta8, mori, mosesh, mrandytran, mrjoshvdz, mrpeppy, msmeyt94, muslander, naningskie, nat0, natsudrage, nebpio, nerumin, neverendthishow, nislam, nisrah, nixie, nixiepuff, niyshers, norotiana, novakid, novatoll, o0flames0o, ongsgrace, oohem, opepreo, owm, papiwino, parisa, partycookie, patrickenis, patrickpatrick, peachimya, peyngo, phampagnepapi, phongdust, pierdyk, pijonghoo, pikaboo14, pinkfairy, pinkmochi, playboy612, pogi, prahmedge, prinsista, prokter, pudeeng, pupbunni, purplesatin77, putrinabila, queenj, raaaawr, ramaladni, random, red4123, red5fly, reennaa713, regigtz, remysrose, renbat, renmaru77, rezso12, rielmrdch, riptide, rizzybanks9, rizzychung, rm1234, rmjade, rmreligion, rmwin, rockdiamond222, ronrum, roobiekasandra, roofiya, roronoazoro, roxyq, rrasto024, rshon, runmen, runnercho2, runningboy22, runningman123, runningmanph, runningpotato, ryesims, sailormoon, sakura18, salmonbuffao, saltedpillow, sam98tha, samid, samiiiii, sangmi, sarahknightwrites, satsumaorange, scarnation, se0seohidespacit0, seoyoon, sepelinit, serendipity, shafara, sharawpnk, shattie, sherelleigh, shigichan, shirayuki8, shnvvv, sia2102, simplyloverm, sirestark, skya500, sl21, smhmatrix, sonder, songhojin, songjeoktoma, sostrange, spartace, ss169, ssamyuljin07, ssho305, ssshhh, suiro, sunlitrain, sunny685, svtboo23, sweetblack, tarotjoker, tempestman, tetete, tharodan, the13thgirl, theahuramazda, theficlimb, thesexyasian, theyallhere, thicczilla, thisoddone, titay, totorohugs, tramya183, trollmaster, txente, tyga, ub9, ultimo987, unknown, usernoova, userwatcher002, usreq, venlasofiaa, verandrea, victorjhy, vildemort, vincentd1, vst1e, wangfire, wc, wcleeah, west, wilbeback, williamtse91, wingflyer, winterei11, wlnightmare, wootteo, wzsc, xepyonx, xinyu, xtezuka, yafet890, yakini, yanskrrt, yany2107, yeoubi, yinsi, yogavinyo, youranimegirl, yrapamuspusan, yuri620, yuriaik0, yusra051999gmailcom, yychen521, yz, zafirah, zallone, zee, zek, zexus, zondak, zouzerron, zuchat, zunn, zylania, 54 private users)

Fave/Watch Ratio: 53.75%

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