Episode #732 - Cool Year-End Party, Part 1

Broadcast Date: 2024-12-15

Watches: 233 (1201agikw, 6ixthsen5e, ace21r, aciel, adakail, adriangzh, agnetiks, ahmedsmadi97, ahreeyah, ahrexcmfung, ainun, ainyong, akmalwan, alexrho, alexxem, alexzheng, amidala98, andreynikko01gmailcom, annalin950, anorganiclifeform, anothermissdrama, anthayashi, aredollz, artemisia, aseuraeii, astig, avivi, banged, beiimnida, bellald, bl1nk, bob545, bolrok, bunny89700, cacocaco, calbeeplus, camboro, ccaligagan, changyoung43, chantiii, chernyee94, chhewang, christinechune156gmailcom, chukki, chumstybrands, citoe, computerboy, csicskagyasz, cthelieza, cygnus, dana1926, darkch0c0late, dazeu, deanenam, dian, diantama, duenally, dunnowh0, edche, ellieotto, emircarmell, entropix, epol467, eqtor, ernestlimjw, eswassistant, eunicemae, evaxx25, exolola, ezzense, fadil, fatfella123, feng1995, fettuccine2016, frostiris, ftyaz, funnyfun, garima, geny696, ggyus, ghiann, gokomoly, gomiman, grayphantom, hagi, halyangdream7012, hcheese, hijjaz, hironamiz, hyoo, icarustc, imanime, impjingxp, infiresjamy, insinuationism, izzummy, jaaj, jacklesjdj23456, jacques, janee, jay1130, jcleeok, jennifer, jharu03, jhaybee, jimmyac, jmbrmdts, jokerpoker, justinbc, kanghoony, karthyhu, kassandra003, kebbb, keeponrunningman, keiciaa, kennethlim1990, kexopop, key, khuynh180, kiirosoul, kitkit2024, kkkkkkkkkk, krissel, kuhu9713, kumalee, lanceskiiiiiiii, laters009, lazygeb, leahhan, loonz, ma1heureux, madyannejacobe, maguimoreno75, marcaxabado, mayshie, mfpos, mingo, minthetkhine, moohiraa, mopingotter, mrmaebart, mtm096, najmi, natlao, natsudrage, nguyenmy, nhungnhanvatphandien, nigelcstan, nixie, nohan, nuar88, nyasminamanda, ogrunningfan, olik, patricia, pattine, phantom2727, phoebeelys, picle, plongerman, pnflwr, pooped123, purpleshay22, qatriq, qqmotion, raz, revhalle, rjdeleon, rm123, rohan4141699, runnerrex, running4life, saltedpillow, samreen, scamx11, sevame, showmaker1, silveratlas, sivajipro, sjh21, slooth15, sme, snowywhitelinen, solomonher, ssm, tanu1998, tdc000, terrytary, tes123, theahuramazda, thelawz, tip, txente, tzullyoona, ujol, useriskat, valerieleong, vizta, vzng, winniez7, wsxvrd, xergia, yanyilee, yazidehier, yeri, yerry, yoonseoyeon, yoontaeho77, zelle14, 24 private users)

Faves: 25 (adakail, alexzheng, argyrxs, arloo, artemisia, cath01, eswassistant, eugmusta, ezzense, halyangdream7012, jalfrz, jalfz, jay1130, js1, kassandra003, natsudrage, panapple, snowywhitelinen, willaxs, yanyilee, ykana123, zjyeung, 3 private users)

Fave/Watch Ratio: 10.73%

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