Episodes with 'betting' (14)


#058 - Jeju Island Special, Part 2

2011-08-28 14.0%

Cha Tae-hyun Shin Se-kyung

betrayal betting breakfast coins eating jeju morningmission ripnametag secretmission


#328 - Suspicious Vacation

2016-12-04 7.1%

Im Na-yeon (Twice) Kim Da-hyun (Twice) Mina (Twice) Momo (Twice) Park Ji-hyo (Twice) Sana (Twice) Son Chae-young (Twice) Tzuyu (Twice) Yoo Jeong-yeon (Twice)

betting busan crossword food idols mentionedpreviousepisode skipping twice vjkwonreol


#331 - Bad Santa Christmas Special with Kim So-hyun

2016-12-25 5.4%

Kim So-hyun

7012 betting bullying children christmas flogging guessthemission mentionofgary songguess telepathy


#366 - Half-and-Half Tour: Sensing Race (2)

2017-09-03 7.1%

Soyou (Sistar)

betting hiddenmissions idol pirateroulette roulette vjkwonreol

This week, all the Running Man members, excluding Seok Jin, have a secret mission. They need to do a series of mini-missions without Seok Jin's knowing. Little do they know, Seok Jin also has a mission of his own.


#440 - The Secret of 100

2019-02-24 6.8%

No guests

bestofjaeseok betrayal betting coachkook escaperoom fansparticipate gambling goodconcept hideandseek historical luck luckyjihyo money mustwatch noguests pirateroulette ripnametag spartace unluckyjaeseok

The race for this episode is The Great War of Money. The member with the most amount of money after the race is the final winner. They compete in teams and as individuals for each mission. For every mission, they get hints for the next stage and accumulate money to become the winner. What is the secret behind these missions and hints. Stay tuned to find out the final winner who will receive the invaluable prize!


#479 - Along with Distrust

2019-12-01 7.8%

No guests

betrayal betrayers betting bustalk candies cheaterkwangsoo cheating coins crazysomin eating emptyheads english food kookminsiblings lovefrogsomin minchan minigames noguests penalty personalstories pettyjongkook poorkwangsoo quiz raceofwits sharpjongkook teamwork teasingseokjin unluckykwangsoo yondu

This week, the cast unite as one in today's race where every member must succeed. Each time the group completes a mission, they will get to enjoy delicious winter snacks. However, in each mission, the person with the fewest candies left will have to face the penalty of doing the Yondu makeup and selling 100 fish-shaped buns. Every mission counts!


#480 - Run to You: Project to Attract Investments

2019-12-08 7.7%

Kang Han-na Lee Hee-jin Yoo Byung-jae YooA (Oh My Girl)

betting birthday coins crazysomin dancing funny goofyguests idols investing investments kungkungta leesunbin lovefrogsomin minchan minigames pettyjongkook poorkwangsoo quiz raceofwits teasingseokjin thighslap waterbomb

This week, Kang Han Na is back alongside Lee Hee Jin of Baby V.O.X, YooA from OH MY GIRL, and the very comic Yoo Byung Jae. It's an individual race this week where the right investment takes the win. In a series of games, four members will face each other in competition while the rest place their bets on one person winning. Each of the four members selected will have different odds of winning, thus making the rewards higher but riskier. The loser faces the water bomb.


#506 - Captains of Running Man

2020-06-07 6.5%

Im Na-yeon (Twice) Kim Da-hyun (Twice) Mina (Twice) Momo (Twice) Park Ji-hyo (Twice) Sana (Twice) Son Chae-young (Twice) Tzuyu (Twice) Yoo Jeong-yeon (Twice)

betrayerkwangsoo betting dancing funny idols money moreandmore moremore mustwatch paint ripnametag soap soapwater teams twice water

All members of TWICE are on Running Man! They're here to promote their new song, 'More and More' and to play fierce games. TWICE and the Running Man members divide into four teams to play the games and win as much money as possible. The individuals with the least amount of money will get punished in the end.


#512 - The 1st Tazza Hip Chairman Election: Battle of the Workers

2020-07-19 6.7%

No guests

badjihyo betrayal betrayerkwangsoo betrayers betting blindfold candyalliance caramel cards funny gambling gangsterjihyo membersfunnystories mindgames money mustwatch noguests pettyjongkook playfuljaeseok roleplay stealing tazza teasingseokjin tricksters unluckyjaeseok unluckykwangsoo voting

This week, the members gather to play several games to win caramels, their currency for this week. The number of caramels they have at the end will have a big impact on next week's episode. Alliances and strategies are important, so the members pay their full attention to avoid getting betrayed and falling behind. Who will win the most caramels? Stay tuned to find out!


#536 - 2021 Hoodwinker Association New Year's Party

2021-01-03 7.6%

No guests

betting caramel cheaterkwangsoo daesangaward framerkwangsoo gambling kimdaesang kwangmong maposiblings membersfunnystories noguests playfuljaeseok stealing tazza teasingseokjin unluckytrio waterballoon

This week, the Card Shark Association is back to kick off the new year with a party. The fierce competition over caramels gets heated as the association's chairperson position hangs in the balance. Will Jae Seok keep his seat as the chairman and serve two consecutive terms? Or will the association bring in the new year with a new chairperson?


#537 - Production Objective Race: Running Man Rewritten, Part 1

2021-01-10 6.9%

No guests

betting caramel gambling garycameo kimdaesang maposiblings membersfunnystories mustwatch noguests nostalgia playfuljaeseok teasingkwangsoo teasingseokjin ugliestmemberdebate unluckytrio

The Card Shark Association New Year's Party comes to an end. The last mission is a cutthroat game that will determine who gets to go home first. Meanwhile, the members regroup after a week. A new race to decide whose idea will be used to update the outdated Running Man website begins. Stay tuned to see who has the catchiest and funniest ideas for the website.


#592 - Card Shark Association, Those Who Read Card Sharks' Minds

2022-02-20 4.7%

Joo Woo-jae

betrayers betting caramel cardsharkassociation gambling gameofwits mentionofkwangsoo nojihyo nosomin tazza


#663 - Along with the Gamblers

2023-07-16 5.2%

No guests

acting bestof2023 betting candy costumes gambling magic noguests penalty punishment richjihyo ripnametag skit slip superpowers


#684 - Come Empty, Return Empty: The Emptying War


Joo Hyun-young Kwon Eun-bi (Iz*One) Tsuki (Billlie)

3guests bestof2023 betrayal betting cheating coins funnyguests guess guesstheaction idols penalty relaygame teams


What's New (2023-10-17): login is now required for certain features
Statistics (as of 2025-03-09):
  • 743 episodes, 1,084 guests, 1,493 tags
  • 109,364 users, 489,706 watches, 103,823 favorites, 24,906 plans to watch