Thumbnail | Episode | Watches | Favorites | Fave:Watch |
#364 - Summer Special: Finding Ghosts (3) 2017-08-20 6.7% No guests badjihyo busgames bustalk eating food gangsterjihyo genderswap ghost goodconcept guessthemovie horror maposiblings membershiptraining minchan mountaintrip mustwatch mysterythriller noguests punishment race ripnametag summerspecial suspense thrilling unpredictable weird wittyjaeseok This week, the eight members go on a retreat. Little do they know, two of them are ghosts. They need to find out who among them are ghosts. Who will win today's race? | 782 | 271 | 34.65% | |
#382 - Miracle of Christmas? Nightmare of Christmas! 2017-12-24 8.0% No guests bestofkwangsoo betrayal christmas ghost horror mustwatch noguests race The Running Man members come together for a special Christmas party. Each member brings an object that holds a special Christmas memory and share it with one another. However, there's a secret behind this special party. All the gifts they acquired through sharing their stories disappear. Who will obtain all the gifts and have a happy Christmas? | 720 | 126 | 17.50% | |
#478 - SBS Ghost Stories, Part 2 2019-11-24 7.2% Choi Ri Heo Kyung-hwan Park Jin-young (Got7) Seo Eun-soo busgames dancingrelay funny ghost idol minigames mustwatch ripnametag surpriseguest trynottolaugh This week, GOT7's Jinyoung, actresses Choi Ri and Seo Eun Su, and comedian Heo Kyeong Hwan join the show to discover the truth behind a ghost story at a TV station. In the story, a producer gets killed for writing a legendary proposal promising an increase in TV ratings by a rival producer and writer. To avenge his wrongful death, members need to find the legendary proposal before the rival producer and writer. | 701 | 212 | 30.24% | |
2022-08-28 3.8% No guests costumes fortunetelling funny gangsterjihyo ghost ghosts horror minchan noguests roleplay scary spartace spy yoomin | 408 | 87 | 21.32% | |
#636 - Running Man Family Outing, Part 2 2023-01-08 5.5% breakfast camping chatteringspecial cooking dinner drinking eating familyouting fart firewood food funnyjihyo ghost ghoststories heartwarming ingredients kimchi kjkfirekeeper mattress minchan mustwatch pensionhouse porkbelly ricecake roulette scarystories sleeping snacks stories teasingsomin unlucky | 369 | 98 | 26.56% | |
#686 - Running Villa in Crisis 2024-01-07 Keum Sae-rok Kim Dong-hyun Noh Sang-hyun 3guests bomb chamchamcham couple creditcard dancing funny funnyguests ghost goodconcept guess guesstheitem hammer ice loveline noseokjin penalty penaltyball roleplay runningballs sechanloveline skit stealing | 304 | 58 | 19.08% |