Episodes with 'jumping' (5)


#002 - Suwon World Cup Stadium, Part 1

2010-07-18 7.9%

Goo Hara (Kara) Lee Chun-hee Song Ji-hyo

charades diving goldenpig idol jumping money peacefulgary photo platform pool rockpaperscissors soccer songjihyo stadium

In this episode Lee Chun Hee and Goo Hara join in with the cast as they venture through Suwon stadium. The mission in this landmark is to find the "golden pigs", which have undisclosed amounts of coins in them. The teams are split into the "Away" and "Home" teams and the victor becomes the team with the highest amount of coins!


#066 - Nationwide Tour Race

2011-10-30 15.0%

Kim Sun-a Song Joong-ki

breakfast costumes flowerboys funnyjaesuk gangs jumping mondaycouple morningmission poorkwangsoo sleepingjihyo spartace wakeup


#117 - Riddle Race

2012-10-28 20.2%

Bae Suzy (miss A) Ji Jin-hee Ji Sung Kim Yu-bin (Wonder Girls) Song Chang-eui

athleticgames children eating eunhye fansparticipate hotel idols jumping mondaycouple pedometer piggyback playboyhaha randommrcapable rockpaperscissors school spartace teams teamwork themepark wakeup


#394 - Family Package Part 1: The Lost Sticker

2018-04-01 8.6%

Hong Jin-young Kang Han-na Kim Ji-soo Lee Da-hee Lee Sang-yeob Yun Sung-bin

athleteguests athleticgames dancing familypackage highjump jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo jongkookloveline jumping longjump lovefrogsomin mattress mimicry olympics productplacement swing thighbattle

This week, the heroes of Pyeongchang 2018 Olympic Winter Games join Running Man! Skeleton racers, Yun Sung Bin and Kim Ji Soo are here. In order to welcome them, the Running Man members prepare a parody show. Ji Hyo dresses up as a curler, and Kwang Soo dresses up as a human-faced bird. Meanwhile, the gold medalist Yun Sung Bin has a big match against Running Man's top player, Jong Kook. Who will win the glory?


#716 - Running Summer Games with the National Athletes


Ji Ye-eun Kim Ha-yun Kim Min-jong Oh Sang-uk Park Hye-jeong Park Sang-won

athleteguests athletes candleblow foreheadflick foreheadslap jumping penalty prize quiz rentalmember selectteam teams


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