Lowest to Highest Rated Episodes (746) - Page 49

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#107 - Running Man Chaser

2012-08-19 19.4%

Gaeko (Dynamic Duo) Jang Shin-young Kim Sang-joong

betrayal chasing detective gold ripnametag secret spy watergun


#102 - CSI: Running Man (2)

2012-07-08 19.5%

Kim Soo-hyun

gold goldenturtle secretguest spy

Kim Soo Hyun makes a guest appearance and is out to finish a job the Running Man members couldn't complete. Although the members manage to steal seven gold turtles, only one of them is genuine, and it's up to Soo Hyun to recover it without getting noticed. Armed with a water pistol loaded with a special liquid, he sneaks around and tries to eliminate them before it's too late.


#125 - Snowball Fight Race (Christmas Special)

2012-12-23 19.5%

Jeong Hyeong-don Juvie Train (Buga Kingz) Park Sang-myun Ryu Dam Shindong (Super Junior)

balance bestofgary cheaterkwangsoo cheatingguests christmas competitiveguests costumes easybrothers elimination food foodmission idol pool punishment snow snowball socks teamwork tubing

Three teams of four are formed between the Running Men and Santa Clauses. They compete against each other through Santa and Rudolph, pool balance beam, and food challenges. Winning teams receive bonus snowballs. At the end, an elimination snowball match begins.


#135 - Treasure Hunter

2013-03-03 19.5%

Choi Si-won (Super Junior) Jackie Chan

acupressure bomb idol mondaycouple skipping teams treasure


#130 - Running Man Reincarnation

2013-01-27 19.7%

No guests

fddongwan goodconcept meepmeep mondaycouple mustwatch noguests reincarnation ripnametag secondnametag strongestrunningman survivalseries timetravel


#138 - Control of the School Flag

2013-03-24 19.7%

Kim Su-ro Kim Woo-bin Lee Jong-hyun (CNBLUE) Lee Jong-suk Min Hyo-rin

acejihyo bestofgary competitiveguests easybrothers flag flowerboys food kjkbeastmode pool prettyboys ripnametag school sparta water wrestling


#104 - Running Olympics

2012-07-22 19.9%

Eunhyuk (Super Junior) Hahm Eun-jung (T-ara) Jung Yong-hwa (CNBLUE) Lee Joon (MBLAQ) Nichkhun (2PM) Yim Si-wan (ZE:A) Yoon Doo-joon (Beast)

athleticgames badjihyo bells coachkook competitiveguests fddongwan flowerboys gangsterjihyo hideandseek idols jail kjkbeastmode kwangsooannoyingjongkook meepmeep olympics pool poorkwangsoo prettyboys race relay ripnametag runningmanvs schemerharoro suspense teamwork trampoline vjkwonreol volleyball

A multilingual and talented MC announces the Running Man team and Idols team. They first compete against each other in a relay race, trampoline volleyball match, water high jump match, and a back-and-forth nametag elimination match.


#128 - War of Money

2013-01-13 20.0%

Park Shin-yang Uhm Ji-won

happynewyear karaoke money musicalchairs teams teamwork


#136 - Legend of the Nine Swords (Asia Race Part III, Vietnam)

2013-03-10 20.0%

Han Hye-jin Lee Dong-wook

bestofjihyo international mustwatch powers ripnametag ryuhyunjin vietnam


#121 - 007 Dark Evil

2012-11-25 20.1%

Lee Seung-gi Park Shin-hye

007 explosion gold matchingcards secretagent spy traditionalmarket watergun


#127 - War of the Zodiac Gods

2013-01-06 20.1%

Choi Ji-woo Jung Yong-hwa (CNBLUE) Lee Gi-kwang (Beast) Lee Jong-hyun (CNBLUE) Simon Dominic (Supreme Team)

acejihyo beach dodgeball flowerboys hideandseek idols man mustwatch piggyback prettyboys ripnametag spartace teams tossing wakeup

Two teams are formed in the morning and each member draws a zodiac animal card. Both teams compete in a beach piggyback challenge, tossing and hide and seek challenge, and dodgeball match. The winning team in each challenge receives a hint as to who received the Snake card. A nametag elimination starts to try to find the Snake person.


#117 - Riddle Race

2012-10-28 20.2%

Bae Suzy (miss A) Ji Jin-hee Ji Sung Kim Yu-bin (Wonder Girls) Song Chang-eui

athleticgames children eating eunhye fansparticipate hotel idols jumping mondaycouple pedometer piggyback playboyhaha randommrcapable rockpaperscissors school spartace teams teamwork themepark wakeup


#126 - Truth and Lie

2012-12-30 20.2%

Choi Ji-woo

beach fool nopants peperogame quiz secretmission spy teamwork


#106 - Find the Real Love

2012-08-12 20.3%

Han Ji-min Kim Je-dong

betrayerkwangsoo easybrothers fansign jeju kooksoo kwangsooannoyingjongkook lookbrothers love mondaycouple ripnametag signatures watergun


#111 - Middle Aged Flowers Race

2012-09-16 20.4%

Im Ha-ryong Ko Chang-seok Lee Jong-won Shin Jung-geun Son Byong-ho

badjihyo baseball blindfold bus busan dice fddongwan food hide map ripnametag rollercoaster shoethrowinggame


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Statistics (as of 2025-03-30):
  • 746 episodes, 1,086 guests, 1,494 tags
  • 115,120 users, 499,534 watches, 106,822 favorites, 25,836 plans to watch