| #040 - Beethoven Virus 2011-04-24 10.2% Nichkhun (2PM) Ok Taec-yeon (2PM) acejihyo badjihyo bells costumes fddongwan findtheguest goodfeeling idol idols instruments kkuk mondaystaffcouple muscularahjumma music mustwatch photo ripnametag rockpaperscissors runningball unluckykwangsoo vjbloopers vjkwonreol Running Man members must find Little Prince outfits in a French village while being chased by the two guests. Afterwards two teams are formed and must perform classic European songs with assorted instruments and are judged by a panel. | 952 | 325 | 34.14% |
 | #063 - SNSD Special, Part 1 2011-10-02 13.4% Im Yoona (Girls' Generation) Jessica Jung (Girls' Generation) Kim Hyo-yeon (Girls' Generation) Kim Tae-yeon (Girls' Generation) Kwon Yuri (Girls' Generation) Seohyun (Girls' Generation) absentmember biking buy cooking couplerace couples funguests goodfeeling goodguests idols karaoke kwangsooloveline loveline mustwatch nojihyo overnight picnic playboyhaha singing The guests select their partner before a biking picnic race, couple matching shopping, and a karaoke competition. Contains an epic wipeout. | 963 | 300 | 31.15% |
 | #103 - Beauty and the Beast 2012-07-15 21.4% Noh Sa-yeon Shin Se-kyung Yoo Jun-sang balance driving fishoutofwater food goodfeeling piggyback pool princess ripnametag spartace spicy suitcase teams tuna vjkwonreol water | 870 | 307 | 35.29% |
 | #139 - That Winter.. the Typhoon Blows 2013-03-31 18.3% Go Ara Lee Yeon-hee ballboy betrayal couples crossdress dancing dodgeball fax fddongwan garyloveline goodfeeling jongkookloveline kwangja kwangsooannoyingjongkook longcoat makjang piggyback ripnametag roleplay tag teams traitorsclub The men of Running Man meet in a cafe in long coats (like the main character in the drama this episode is a parody of) and order drinks. Couple teams are formed with the beautiful waitresses who bring out the drinks. After some games of couple piggyback tag and dodgeball, a big plot twist is added and they must find out which two are siblings. | 838 | 251 | 29.95% |
 | #157 - I Hear Your Voice (Parody) 2013-08-04 10.8% Ahn Gil-kang Jung Woong-in Kim Hee-won acting dirtyplay fddongwan funguests goodconcept goodfeeling goofyguests kwangsooannoyingjongkook meepmeep roleplay slip teams villainguests | 726 | 171 | 23.55% |
 | #159 - Couple Race 2013-08-18 14.1% Choi Jung-in Jo Jung-chi (Mystic89) John Park Kim Kwang-kyu Lim Kim (Togeworl) Park Sang-myun Sayuri Fujita boat couplerace couples dance elimination fddongwan gold goldbars goodfeeling mondaycouple quiz stream swimmingpool water | 813 | 348 | 42.80% |
 | #164 - Great Inheritance 2013-09-22 13.7% Kim Hae-sook Yoo Ah-in cooking finding flyingchair food funguests goodfeeling inheritance mondaycouple pool roleplay water watergame | 730 | 161 | 22.05% |
 | #165 - Search for the Little Girl 2013-09-29 12.9% No guests acejihyo emotional fansign fansparticipate fanstory father goodfeeling heartwarming membersfamily mustsee mustwatch noguests race rmfanguest school signatures wallclimbing | 813 | 338 | 41.57% |
 | #171 - Ryu Hyunjin's Choice 2013-11-10 13.7% Baekhyun (EXO) Chen (EXO) D.O. (EXO) Hyun-jin Ryu Kai (EXO) Kris Lay (EXO) Luhan Oh Se-hun (EXO) Suho (EXO) Tao Xiumin (EXO) base baseball dodgeball exo goodfeeling idol idols kwangja loveline ripnametag spy watergun | 780 | 158 | 20.26% |
 | #178 - Year End Special 2013-12-29 12.7% No guests 7012 acejihyo bestofhaha boat emotional goodfeeling hanriver hulahoop jenga mustwatch noguests relay rmteam rmvsstaff runningballs runningmanvs sleepingjihyo teamwork twice waterbomb | 1020 | 611 | 59.90% |
 | #182 - Hong Kong Fan's Race 2014-01-26 14.8% Min Do-hee (Tiny-G) Yeo Jin-goo Yim Si-wan (ZE:A) acupressure chess easybrothers fangames flyingchair funguests goodconcept goodfeeling idol mondaycouple mustwatch oneofthebest pool ripnametag spartace unluckykwangsoo water | 829 | 342 | 41.25% |
 | #187 - 2014 Running Man University Race 2014-03-02 11.0% No guests boat fansparticipate goodfeeling hanriver mustwatch noguests obstaclecourse oneofthebest students university unpredictable | 731 | 283 | 38.71% |
 | #192 - Cross Country Race 2014-04-06 13.1% Kim Dong-jun (ZE:A) Kim Jung-nan Kim Min-jong Lee Sang-hwa Lim Ju-hwan Oh Man-seok Ryu Seung-soo athleteguests badjihyo bus camping cheatingguests competition competitiveguests couplerace dice eating funguests gangsterjihyo goodfeeling goofyguests idol minigames plane spicy train travel | 745 | 203 | 27.25% |
 | #240 - Protect the 20 Year Old Big Nose Brother 2015-03-29 11.0% Kang Ha-neul Kim Woo-bin Lee Jun-ho (2PM) bestepisode bestof2015 birthday cola flowerboys goodfeeling hunters hunting idol karaoke pedometer prettyboys quiz ripnametag rmteam singing teamwork waterbomb | 763 | 194 | 25.43% |
 | #247 - Happy Kwang Soo Day! 2015-05-17 10.2% No guests aquarium eating findtheguest flattery fool goodfeeling hiddencamera housewarming leekwangsoohouse membersfamily membershouse noguests pool poorkwangsoo scavenger visithome waterchairs Kwang Soo is the main character for the day, and doesn't know it. | 913 | 399 | 43.70% |