Thumbnail | Episode | Watches | Favorites | Fave:Watch |
![]() | 2013-12-29 12.7% No guests 7012 acejihyo bestofhaha boat emotional goodfeeling hanriver hulahoop jenga mustwatch noguests relay rmteam rmvsstaff runningballs runningmanvs sleepingjihyo teamwork twice waterbomb | 1020 | 611 | 59.90% |
![]() | 2014-07-20 10.5% Baek Ji-young Hong Jin-young Kang Seung-hyun Lee Guk-joo Wang Feifei (Miss A) basketball bestofhaha bustalk competitiveguests dancing fiercegirls food funguests goodguests goofyguests idol idols jongkookloveline kwangsooloveline luckyjihyo mckkuk mondaycouple mustwatch oneofthebest unluckykwangsoo unluckyseokjin water waterbomb | 839 | 419 | 49.94% |
![]() | 2014-11-30 10.5% Brad Moore (Busker Busker) Fabien Jake Pains Johannes Rosenthal angryjongkook athleteguests athleticgames bestofhaha bestofseokjin fansparticipate flattery foreigners gold handball mondaycouple mustwatch obstacle obstaclecourse playfuljaeseok race randommrcapable ripnametag rockpaperscissors situps targets traitorsclub Running Man go through a day in the life of a salary worker, including the commute, satisfying the director, negotiations, and luck. | 702 | 127 | 18.09% |
![]() | 2015-06-14 10.7% bestofhaha bingo couplerace couples goodfeeling heartwarming mondaycouple rings songjoongki surprise surpriseguest wife | 788 | 299 | 37.94% |
![]() | #296 - I Am Sorry, I Love You Special - 7 Loves (2) 2016-04-24 8.5% Chae Young-in Lee Moon-se Lee Seung-joon Yoon Gun 7012 bestofhaha bestofseokjin coffee funny goodfeeling heartwarming kwangsooloveline membersfamily membersfunnystories membershouse personalstories playfuljaeseok | 647 | 90 | 13.91% |
![]() | #337 - Member's Week 5 - Haha's Choice 2017-02-05 6.9% No guests bestofhaha emotional membersweek mentionofgary noguests This week, it’s Haha’s week. Haha is known to be very indecisive about anything and everything. He is so indecisive that he couldn’t even decide on his theme. Therefore, the staff has planned it all out for him. He needs to make decisions and depending on what he decides, the other members’ fates are in his hand. | 694 | 147 | 21.18% |
![]() | #395 - Family Package Part 2: Find the Coaches 2018-04-08 7.1% Hong Jin-young Kang Han-na Lee Da-hee Lee Sang-yeob amateurspy athleteguests athleticgames balloons bestofhaha busgames bustalk coach coaches competitiveguests familypackage goofyguests hahascheme hints jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo jongkookloveline mustwatch quiz racestarter ripnametag schemerharoro spy trial unluckyjaeseok unluckykwangsoo voting This week, Ji Hyo is handed a briefcase that is supposed to contain the Luxury Stickers. However, she opens it only to find it empty. While everyone is surprised, a video is played. In the video, three coaches announce that they have the Luxury Stickers and that they intend to eliminate the gold medalist who is hiding among the members. Furthermore, the coaches are among the members as well. If the coaches find the gold medalist first, the Running Man members will be listed for the Shuddering Package. However, if the rest of the members identify the coaches, then the coaches' names will be listed. Who are the mysterious gold medalist and the coaches? | 799 | 207 | 25.91% |
![]() | #401 - TV Rating Notice Final: Director Battle (Game of Thrones) 2018-05-20 7.0% Cheon Sung-moon Han Ki-beom Han Min-gwan Jo Woo-jong K.Will Lee Jong-hyuk Oak-Jeong Kim Seo Ji-seok bestofhaha costumes coverphoto doppleganger flyingchair funny funnyguests launchchairs membersfamily pirateroulette pool quiz tvratingnotice twin unluckykwangsoo unluckysomin Today is the day the Running Man members will find out whose TV rating notice storyboard they will use. The members are greeted by the pirate roulette game and a flying chair. They play a quiz game, and whoever does not get the correct answer will be flown backwards into a pool. Which member will have the honor of actualizing his or her TV rating notice? | 756 | 106 | 14.02% |
![]() | 2018-08-12 7.2% bestofhaha blackpink cheating dance gameofwits idol idols mentionofjoongki onesies penalty pool ripnametag summer unlucky unluckyjaeseok For this week, the Running Man members go on a vacation. However, not only is it a vacation, but it is an 'Unlucky Vacation'. The members are divided into two teams, and among them, the unlucky ones and the lucky ones partner up. Every time a team wins, they receive one point and also the right to pick a penalty for the losing team. Will the lucky members be able to live up to their name? Or will the unlucky members regain their honor? | 788 | 170 | 21.57% |
![]() | 2018-09-16 8.0% BamBam (Got7) Choi Youngjae (Got7) J-Black Jackson Wang (Got7) JB (Got7) Kim Yu-gyeom (Got7) Mark (Got7) Mmary Park Jin-young (Got7) Yu Seung-ok acejihyo bestofhaha bestofseokjin competitiveguests crazykwangsoo danceclass dancing drones flyingyoga got7 hiphop idols lovefrogsomin roulette sparta yoga yogapants This week, the Running Man members are given a mission to deliver a briefcase within six hours. If they successfully deliver it within the given time, only one of them will face the penalty. If they fail, everyone except for one of them will face the penalty. They are also banned from opening the briefcase, and if they decide not to listen, they will automatically fail the mission and will be given the penalty. | 799 | 202 | 25.28% |
![]() | #460 - Five Exits: Escape to Live 2019-07-21 7.0% Im Yoona (Girls' Generation) Jo Jung-suk bestofhaha escapeexit gameofwits hunters idol idols jjajang numbers random ripnametag secretmission spy watergun This week, Lim Yoon A and Cho Jung Seok join as guest celebrities on the show. Their mission with the other members is to escape a building through one of the five available doors. Each door will have a condition. Once a member gets what he needs, he may exit the building and enjoy paradise at the expense of the ones who don't. The doors are locked, so let's get the game started. | 723 | 146 | 20.19% |
![]() | #467 - Running Man's Fan-Meet: 9 Years of Running Man 2019-09-08 7.4% Code Kunst Go Young-bae (Soran) Gummy Jang Ye-won Jung Eun-ji (Apink) Kim Nam-joo (Apink) Kim Ye-won Lee Tae-wook (Soran) Lia Kim Nucksal Oh Ha-young (Apink) Park Cho-rong (Apink) Pyeon Yoo-il (Soran) Seo Myun-ho (Soran) Son Na-eun (Apink) Sunmi (Wonder Girls) Sunny (Girls' Generation) Yoon Bo-mi (Apink) 681 9thanniversary anniversary apink bestofhaha concert deities fanmeet fanmeeting idols kookminsiblings kwangmong mustwatch performance productplacement ripnametag spartace spy The week, the fierce race to eliminate the deity of darkness continues. However, the clues seem to throw the members off, making it difficult to pinpoint their suspicions. Later, the cast of Running Man prepares for their fan-meet by attempting to get some challenging choreography and dance moves right. | 760 | 280 | 36.84% |
![]() | #469 - Nine Years of Running Man: The Grand Finale 2019-09-22 7.8% Code Kunst Go Young-bae (Soran) Gummy Hong Jin-young Jung Eun-ji (Apink) Kim Nam-joo (Apink) Lee Tae-wook (Soran) Lia Kim Nucksal Oh Ha-young (Apink) Park Cho-rong (Apink) Pyeon Yoo-il (Soran) Seo Myun-ho (Soran) Son Na-eun (Apink) Yoon Bo-mi (Apink) Yoon Mi-rae (MFBTY) 9thanniversary anniversary apink bestof2019 bestofhaha concert crazypoetsomin dancing emotional fanmeeting goodfeeling idols jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo lovefrogsomin mustwatch oneofthebest performance sharpjongkook singing spy themesong yoomin The artist collaboration performances are next! Gummy, Code Kunst, Nucksal, and SORAN take the stage with Running Man members to put the audience in awe. Next, the members shock everyone watching with an unbelievable group dance. And to finish off the fan-meet, they bring tears with Running Man's theme song that encapsulates the nine hard years of working together. | 757 | 391 | 51.65% |
![]() | #505 - Eliminating Trespassers: Secret of the Old Village 2020-05-31 6.9% No guests bestof2020 bestofhaha busted diamond digging funny gems goodconcept horror jeonsomin jongkookloveline kimgyeran money mustwatch mystery noguests oneofthebest ripnametag roleplay scarecrow scary somin sominsback suspense thrilling traditionalvillage unpredictable So Min joins the members after a long hiatus. The members head to a village called Gujeon where gems are buried everywhere. They are to dig out the gems which are valuable. However, there seems to be a secret the villagers are hiding. Will the members be able to safely make it out of the village? Stay tuned to find out! | 758 | 319 | 42.08% |
![]() | #553 - The Entering Class of 1991 Is Back! 2021-05-02 6.2% No guests backtothepast bestof2021 bestofhaha bustalk crazysomin dancing emotional food guessthemission hide lovefrogsomin membersfunnystories minchan mongdol noguests nostalgia personalstories playfuljaeseok roleplay teasingseokjin unluckyseokjin | 545 | 105 | 19.27% |