Thumbnail | Episode | Watches | Favorites | Fave:Watch |
![]() | #157 - I Hear Your Voice (Parody) 2013-08-04 10.8% Ahn Gil-kang Jung Woong-in Kim Hee-won acting dirtyplay fddongwan funguests goodconcept goodfeeling goofyguests kwangsooannoyingjongkook meepmeep roleplay slip teams villainguests | 727 | 171 | 23.52% |
![]() | #213 - Running Man Mini Series - It's Okay, That's Chaebol 2014-09-21 7.0% Choi Yeo-jin Kim Min-seo Lee Yoo-ri Seo Woo Yoo In-young acting chaebol competitiveguests couplerace couples fiercegirls float goodconcept goodguests intense mud mustwatch platform playfuljaeseok pool ripnametag roleplay scavenger shredder slap spartace villain villainguests water whack Couple teams are formed with actresses who play villains in dramas. They must find the guy who has the second generation of inheritance. Mud pool platform and timed shredder challenges are held where the winning team receive hints. In the end a nametag elimination match is held where each actress must stand on a platform with the nametag of the suspected rich guy. | 947 | 515 | 54.38% |
![]() | #381 - Bad Guys: War Against The Evildoer 2017-12-17 9.0% Choi Gwi-hwa Go Bo-gyeol Heo Sung-tae Lee Sang-yeob acejihyo acting badjihyo busgames bustalk criminal detective food foreheadslap gangsterjihyo goodconcept hints immortalchanhee lovefrogsomin mafia math membersfunnystories personalstories roleplay spartace trial villainguests voting witness This week, the Running Man members face off in a race with four actors who are known for their portrayal of villains. There are two villains, two detectives, and a wit-ness among the members and the guests. Along with the guests, the Running Man members must find out who stole the money. | 757 | 178 | 23.51% |
![]() | 2018-08-19 8.5% Kim Roi-ha Kwak Si-yang Seo Hyo-rim betrayerkwangsoo betrayers busgames chamchamcham crazykwangsoo crazysomin funny hammer infinitechallenge jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo ripnametag schemerharoro spy unluckyseokjin villainguests vincenzo yougethitifyoucheat For this week, the Running Man members are called by the staff one by one as soon as the shooting begins. They are told to pick a member to whom they will give half of their Running Money. Since having the most money puts them at an advantage, all the members start playing mind games all of a sudden. Meanwhile, Kim Roi Ha, Kwak Si Yang, and Seo Hyo Rim join them as the best villains and villainess. | 760 | 115 | 15.13% |