Thumbnail | Episode | Watches | Favorites | Fave:Watch |
![]() | 2011-02-06 14.1% No guests aquarium balance driving membercooperation nicknames noguests photo pool runningball teamwin Jae Suk and Jong Kook compete to see how many of the Running Man members will join them in their car to the aquarium. There they take photos of animals/objects that resemble other members, and undergo a team challenge where they must pass each other on a balance beam in a pool without falling. | 930 | 233 | 25.05% |
![]() | 2012-07-15 21.4% Noh Sa-yeon Shin Se-kyung Yoo Jun-sang balance driving fishoutofwater food goodfeeling piggyback pool princess ripnametag spartace spicy suitcase teams tuna vjkwonreol water | 872 | 307 | 35.21% |
![]() | #125 - Snowball Fight Race (Christmas Special) 2012-12-23 19.5% Jeong Hyeong-don Juvie Train (Buga Kingz) Park Sang-myun Ryu Dam Shindong (Super Junior) balance bestofgary cheaterkwangsoo cheatingguests christmas competitiveguests costumes easybrothers elimination food foodmission idol pool punishment snow snowball socks teamwork tubing Three teams of four are formed between the Running Men and Santa Clauses. They compete against each other through Santa and Rudolph, pool balance beam, and food challenges. Winning teams receive bonus snowballs. At the end, an elimination snowball match begins. | 752 | 221 | 29.39% |
![]() | 2014-12-07 11.9% Han Groo Jeon So-min Kyung Soo-jin Lee Sung-kyung Song Ga-yeon angel balance basketball couples dancing driving exhaustion fiercegirls funguests funny igloo jeonsomin kwangsooloveline magnets matching memorize music musicalchair pool quiz ripnametag rolling stairs trampoline water | 820 | 268 | 32.68% |
![]() | 2017-05-07 6.1% balance balancegame betrayal crazysomin easybrothers food hahascheme housewarming kookminsiblings kwangmin luckyjihyo massage membersfamily membershouse monopoly secretmission ship sportsmassage stinkyfeet unluckyseokjin unluckytrio visithome vjkwonryeol whale This week, the members continue with their Global Project that expands more than just Asia. They barge into the unsuspecting Se Chan's house. They check out how Se Chan and his brother, Se Hyeong, live. While looking around, the members find an interesting object in his house. At his house, they do a series of missions. If the members succeed, they will be able to go home immediately. If not, two of the members will be required to wake up at 5am the next day. | 788 | 114 | 14.47% |
![]() | #678 - The Dream of a Million Dollars 2023-11-05 4.1% No guests balance chicken coffee eating flogging noguests penalty pillowfight runningball runningballs somin2ndlastep spicy teasingseokjin teasingsomin | 346 | 49 | 14.16% |