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Thumbnail | Episode | Watches | Favorites | Fave:Watch |
![]() | 2018-11-25 8.6% Irene (Red Velvet) Joy (Red Velvet) Kang Han-na Seol In-ah barrelgame couple hahascheme idols jjajang kwangsooloveline raceofwits schemerharoro Now that every one has found themselves a partner, it is time to begin the race. However, the members are informed that there are thieves among them. The thieves must not fail the missions if they don't want their identity revealed. Throughout the race, some of them will be given the chance to switch partners. Who will be the one to win the race in the end? | 791 | 205 | 25.92% |
![]() | #429 - 2018 Year End Special (1) 2018-12-09 8.6% food hongkong international jiwon taxi teams So Min and Ji Hyo start today's race as team leaders. They will each pick two members for their teams and race to the destination. However, people other than So Min and Ji Hyo receive text messages that are different from the ones So Min and Ji Hyo received. There is another female team leader who is waiting for them. | 736 | 96 | 13.04% |
![]() | #377 - Return of the Heiress Race 2017-11-19 8.8% Im Se-mi Kim Ji-min Kim Se-jeong (Gugudan) Ko Sung-hee acting balloons betrayal betrayers couples dancing goldjihyo heirs idol jumprope kwangmin maposiblings penalty poorkwangsoo ripnametag secretidentity somin unluckykwangsoo vjkwonryeol This week, the Running Man members become sons of Running Airline's wealthy chairman. They need to fight against each other to get to the highest rank, which will consequently give them the right to the chairman's fortune. They are also accompanied by heiresses who will help them through the race. Who will become the final heir to receive the fortune? | 789 | 137 | 17.36% |
![]() | #380 - Different Dreams on the Money Race 2017-12-10 9.0% ddakji investing kwangmin money secret shoethrowinggame teams waterbomb This week, the Running Man members are joined by Kang Han Na and Kyung Su Jin. Today's race is called 'Same Money, Different Dreams'. They will be divided into two teams, and through games, the winning team will be determined. Furthermore, the individual in the winning team with the most amount of money will be the final victor. | 723 | 60 | 8.30% |
![]() | #381 - Bad Guys: War Against The Evildoer 2017-12-17 9.0% Choi Gwi-hwa Go Bo-gyeol Heo Sung-tae Lee Sang-yeob acejihyo acting badjihyo busgames bustalk criminal detective food foreheadslap gangsterjihyo goodconcept hints immortalchanhee lovefrogsomin mafia math membersfunnystories personalstories roleplay spartace trial villainguests voting witness This week, the Running Man members face off in a race with four actors who are known for their portrayal of villains. There are two villains, two detectives, and a wit-ness among the members and the guests. Along with the guests, the Running Man members must find out who stole the money. | 757 | 180 | 23.78% |
![]() | 2018-07-22 9.0% Henry Cavill Simon Pegg Tom Cruise asmr busgames bustalk cheaterkwangsoo cheatingguests easybrothers eat english food foodmission foreigners hammer jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo kwangsooannoyingjongkook lovefrogsomin missionimpossible mysterybox paint pirateroulette playfuljaeseok racestarter ripnametag spies spy teasingseokjin trynottomakesound watergun M Agency versus R Agency. Tom Cruise, Simon Pegg and Henry Cavill join Running Man this week for a thrilling episode of cat and mouse. The Running Man cast trans-form into secret agents for R Agency. Among them, there are three spies working for M Agency. Will the R Agency agents find out who those three spies are, or will M Agency succeed in their infiltration and catch the R Agency leader? | 791 | 139 | 17.57% |
![]() | 2018-01-28 9.1% No guests angryjongkook bestof2018 bestofkwangsoo betrayers busgames bustalk cheaterkwangsoo crazysomin easybrothers escaperoom funny goodfeeling guessthemovie jail kookminsiblings kwangmin membersfunnystories mustwatch noguests personalstories prison reststop reststopfood roleplay spartace stealing teasingseokjin tofu unluckykwangsoo waterbomb Running Man has become a series of lies and betrayals. As a result, the members will pay for their sins on today's race. They will be put into prison throughout the course of the race for the sins they have committed, and they can only come out when they have served their time. The last member to finish serving their time will have to self-punish themselves with a water bomb. Who will be the member who will get the penalty? | 945 | 408 | 43.17% |
![]() | #369 - Half-and-Half Tour Final: The Hell of Roulette (5) 2017-09-24 9.2% No guests crazysomin indonesia international kwangmin massage member money noguests pirateroulette race roulette secretidentity sharpjongkook sportsmassage spy unluckykwangsoo This week, the Running Man members are trapped in the Roulette Underworld. Until they finish their mission, they are not allowed to leave. To make matters worse, they are not allowed to go to the bathroom either. Will the members be able to escape successfully? | 754 | 113 | 14.99% |
![]() | #392 - Global Random Tour: Mission Impossible (3) and Running Man Special Project 2018-03-18 9.2% Heo Kyung-hwan Hong Jin-young Kang Han-na Lee Da-hee Lee Sang-yeob Shorry J (Mighty Mouth) Son Na-eun (Apink) Yoo Byung-jae cute eating fishing food goodguests idol japan jongkookloveline kwangsooloveline penalty randomtour roulette stepcounter The Running Man members continue with their missions in different places. Jong Kook's team goes to Bangkok. There, they meet Son Na Eun of Apink and Namcha, a Thai celebrity. Kwang Soo's team are in Daema Island and need to fish all seven species that Haha has eaten. Kwang Soo is bossy because he has caught a fish. Haha desperately wants to catch one as well. | 813 | 150 | 18.45% |
![]() | #388 - Craziness at Jeju Special 2018-02-04 9.7% Goo Hara (Kara) Lee Da-hee Mina (Gugudan) Seol In-ah athleticgames betrayerkwangsoo couples dancing fiercegirls funny goodguests goofyguests idols jeju kwangsooloveline longjump pirateroulette tricksters This week, the Running Man members are joined by Koo Ha Ra, Seor In A, Lee Da Hee, and Mina. They are divided into groups of two, and the winning couple will receive some delicious black pig. On the other hand, the couple that loses will be rewarded with a water bomb during this icy winter. | 842 | 269 | 31.95% |
![]() | #379 - Tiger Butterfly Tour (2) 2017-12-03 10.4% No guests australia international mustwatch newzealand noguests punishment spartace Last week, the Running Man members arrived in New Zealand and Australia. Through various missions, their fates have been twisted. This week, even more surprising events occur. Running Man's official scaredy-cat, Haha, challenges his fears. Meanwhile, the other members are welcomed by crocodiles. | 774 | 209 | 27.00% |