Lowest to Highest Rated Episodes (old cast) (345) - Page 8

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#299 - Center War

2016-05-15 8.6%

Hong Jin-young Jo Bo-ah Kyung Soo-jin Stephanie Lee Uhm Hyun-kyung Yoo In-young Zico (Block B)

couples idols jongkookloveline peacefulgary photo pool poorkwangsoo ranking teasingseokjin


#216 - Running Heroes - Heroes' Resurrection

2014-10-12 8.7%

No guests

7012 blindfold chairs costumes courage kwangvatar noguests relay rmteam roleplay superpowers teamwork

Seven superheros wake up from a deep slumber and receive various missions to get their superpowers back. The highlight of this episode is Kwang Soo's costume.


#210 - Black and White - The Life of One Game

2014-08-24 8.8%

Choi Bu-kyung Jang Wooyoung (2PM) Kim Hwan Kim Seol-hyun (AOA) Kim Won-hyo Lee Hye-jeong Yook Jook-wan

allkaagi competitiveguests fddongwan findtheguest idols junghoyeon luckyjihyo meepmeep recruitguest unpredictable


#245 - The Toy Race: Jinu and Sean of Jinusean

2015-05-03 8.8%

Jinu (Jinusean) Sean (Jinusean)

acupressure children childrensday dodgeball kwangmong membersfunnystories school


#262 - Cab Drivers' Favorite Restaurant Expedition!

2015-08-30 8.8%

Kang Sung-jin Kim Min-kyo Kim Su-ro Nam Bo-ra Park Gun-hyung

cabdriver food mondaycouple roulette


#041 - National Digital Library of Korea

2011-05-01 8.9%

Lee Sun-kyun Park Joong-hoon

castchange drawing emotional goodbye hideandseek membershouse ripnametag scavenger

Two guests must find and catch Running Man members, who then join their team and help catch others. After, a drawing race is held and a scavenger hunt begins at HaHa's house for the top 5 items one would bring to a library. At the end there is an emotional farewall to Joong Ki as this is his last episode as a Running Man member.


#220 - Humanity's Last Couple

2014-11-09 8.9%

Jang Dong-min Kangnam (M.I.B) Kim Min-kyo Park Soo-hong Song Jae-rim

crossdress escape kwangja mud ripnametag rope tugofwar


#246 - Kidnapped Actress - The Secret of a Fake Detective

2015-05-10 9.0%

Park Seo-joon Son Hyun-joo

acejihyo candyalliance detective hahaout jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo playfuljaeseok secretrule sharpjongkook


#206 - DIY Cooking Battle Show

2014-07-27 9.1%

Hong Seok-cheon Joo Won

competition cooking cookingbattle eating food funguests heartrate mondaycouple toaster


#208 - Hallyu Star Battle: Suzy Miss A vs. Lee Kwang Soo

2014-08-10 9.1%

Bae Suzy (miss A)

bellnametag bells fansparticipate hulahoop idol idols kwangmong poorkwangsoo ripnametag stealing unluckykwangsoo


#259 - The Actress Casting Call Competition

2015-08-09 9.1%

Cha Ye-ryun Lee Yo-won

acting acupressure chataehyun crazykwangsoo easybrothers fddongwan garyloveline kwangmong meepmeep obstaclecourse songjoongki swimmingpool watergame


#034 - Hongdae area

2011-03-13 9.2%

Park Jun-gyu Uee (After School)

1versus badjihyo cheolminpd coupon eat fddongwan findtheguest food friends idol kimsoohyun kwangsooannoyingjongkook meepmeep mondaycouple mondaystaffcouple tricksters tricktheguest vjbloopers vjkwonreol water wristband

Running Man members look for the two guests who are at the same time looking for 5 coupons in restaurants in the Hongdae area. If they enter a restaurant and the guest is not there, they must stay and eat. Afterwards, a 1:9 challenge is held against one of the guests, and a water pouring challenge is held between two teams.


#194 - Mafia Game, Part 2

2014-05-04 9.2%

Kim Dong-jun (ZE:A) Kim Jung-nan Kim Min-jong Lee Sang-hwa Lim Ju-hwan Oh Man-seok Ryu Seung-soo

cooking mafia mondaycouple smartguest unpredictable


#211 - 1470 Amusement Park Special

2014-08-31 9.2%

Ailee Ji Chang-wook Kim Tae-woo (g.o.d) Lee Sung-jae Lim Seul-ong (2AM) Skull Song Eun-yi

amusementpark cutejihyo findtheguest funny idols rollercoaster secretguest singing sulli vjkwonryeol


#222 - Running Wars

2014-11-23 9.2%

No guests

aliens costumes food goldjihyo goodconcept mondaycouple mustwatch noguests puzzle ripnametag roleplay

Seven creatures from outer space mysteriously land on Earth and must complete a puzzle, food exercise, and eliminate one alien race in order to go back home.


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Statistics (as of 2025-03-29):
  • 746 episodes, 1,086 guests, 1,493 tags
  • 114,849 users, 499,221 watches, 106,682 favorites, 25,784 plans to watch