| #048 - Raiders of the Stolen Uigwe 2011-06-19 7.9% No guests acejihyo bags betrayers blindfold elephantnose flag food historical insole key museum noguests puzzle quiz runningball Running Man members solve a series of suspiciously easy challenges and receive bags to fill. This all changes when they are individually dropped off at a museum. | 869 | 166 | 19.10% |
 | #264 - The Legendary Detectives Race 2015-09-13 7.9% Kwon Sang-woo Sung Dong-il blownose detective findtheclient guessthemission hideandseek | 638 | 62 | 9.72% |
 | #298 - Finding No Man Race 2016-05-08 7.9% Go Ara Kim Sung-kyun Lee Je-hoon couplerace flyingchair mud viking voting yooinyoung | 694 | 95 | 13.69% |
 | #334 - Member's Week 2 - Kim Jong-kook Special 2017-01-15 7.9% No guests bestofjongkook blinddate emotional jongkookloveline kwangsooannoyingjongkook membersweek noguests playfuljaeseok This week’s special is about Jong-kook. Unlike Ji-hyo, Jong-kook left the theme in the staff’s hands. Therefore, the staff has decided the theme to be “finding Jong-kook love” through a blind date. Who is this mysterious lady and will she give him a chance? | 669 | 104 | 15.55% |
 | #253 - Love Vacation 2015-06-28 8.1% Do Sang-woo Hwang Seung-eon Irene Kim Na Hae-ryung (BESTie) Park Ha-na Seo Hyun-jin Ye-eun (CLC) badjihyo couplerace dancing gangsterjihyo idols membersfunnystories swimmingpool waterpark | 723 | 151 | 20.89% |
 | #257 - The Battle of Heroes Race 2015-07-26 8.1% Hong Jin-ho Hyun Joo-yup Kim Yeon-koung Shin Soo-ji Song Chong-gug australia powers ripnametag strongestrunningman | 667 | 92 | 13.79% |
 | #008 - Seoul Museum of History, Gyeonghui Palace 2010-08-29 8.2% Lee Joon (MBLAQ) Park Jun-gyu Victoria Song (f(x)) alarm bignose chopsticks drinking eggs hideandseek hotpants idols mondaycouple mustwatch nostalgia past punishment ripnametag runningball tea tugofwar The landmark for this episode is the Seoul Museum of History. With special guests Victoria, Lee Joon, and Park Jun Gyu, this is one episode not to miss. | 1078 | 149 | 13.82% |
 | #248 - The Polar Opposites Penalty Race 2015-05-24 8.2% Amber Liu (f(x)) Henry Lau (Super Junior-M) Joon Park (g.o.d) Kangnam (M.I.B) Nichkhun (2PM) bungeejump funguests gondola hanriver idols kwangmong luck polar punishment quiz swimming | 751 | 174 | 23.17% |
 | #263 - Beautiful Youth Race 2015-09-06 8.3% Lee Dong-wook Park Seo-joon Yura (Girl's Day) fangames foreigners idol idols kwonreulmoment prettyboys students tugofwar undercover university | 719 | 111 | 15.44% |
 | #009 - Lotte World 2010-09-05 8.4% Kim Su-ro Lee Hong-gi (F.T. Island) Shin Bong-sun 3guests angryjihyo balloons broom coinflip docilejongkook drinking eggs familyouting fiercegirls hairband hideandseek hotpants idol jongkookloveline karaoke ladle mustwatch nosechan nosomin oldepisode panchiki personalstories playfuljaeseok punishment ripnametag rollercoaster runningball scoop singing spoon tea Hilarious episode starring Shin Bong Sun and her boy hood crush Kim Jong Kook. The episode takes place in the land of fantasy, Seoul's famous Lotte World. | 1069 | 145 | 13.56% |
 | #261 - Please, Find Me! (5th Anniversary Special Part 2) 2015-08-23 8.4% No guests ddakdji highschool horror mondaycouple mustwatch noguests scary school vj vjbloopers vjkwonryeol | 745 | 295 | 39.60% |
 | #269 - The Legacy 2015-10-18 8.4% Kim Hee-won Lee Chun-hee Park Bo-young acejihyo bellnametag goldbars goodfeeling hideandseek history intense intensenametagripping nostalgia oneonone quiz ripnametag vjkwonreol vjkwonryeol | 662 | 133 | 20.09% |
 | #296 - I Am Sorry, I Love You Special - 7 Loves (2) 2016-04-24 8.5% Chae Young-in Lee Moon-se Lee Seung-joon Yoon Gun 7012 bestofhaha bestofseokjin coffee funny goodfeeling heartwarming kwangsooloveline membersfamily membersfunnystories membershouse personalstories playfuljaeseok | 647 | 91 | 14.06% |
 | #265 - Escape from the Desert Island 2015-09-20 8.6% Cho Kyuhyun (Super Junior) John Park Park Ye-eun (Wonder Girls) Rap Monster (BTS) fool idols island nojihyo truegaryshow Kyu Hyun, Ye Eun, RM, and John Park, the smartest Kpop idols, join the Running Man crew to be brought to a desert island. They need to play various games in order to return home by the end of the day. Everyone is desperate to get out, including Gary who needs to work on his album the next day. Find out who will escape the desert island! | 772 | 204 | 26.42% |
 | #267 - Running Man Special: Consensus 2015-10-04 8.6% No guests 7012 bowling emotional footvolleyball foreheadslap goodfeeling grimreaper infinitechallenge luckyjihyo massage mondaycouple mustwatch noguests oneofthebest pirateroulette rmteam sportsmassage teamwork unluckykwangsoo | 894 | 544 | 60.85% |