Thumbnail | Episode | Watches | Favorites | Fave:Watch |
![]() | #015 - Seoul Metro Train Depot 2010-10-24 12.2% bestof2010 briefcase heartrate hotpants idol kiss lovetrain mondaycouple punishment ripnametag runningball songsongcouple train Aigoo, an episode not to miss. This is the infamous "kiss" scene episode between Song Ji Hyo and Song Joong Ki! The landmark for this is Seoul Metro Subway Yard. | 1034 | 275 | 26.60% |
![]() | 2011-06-26 9.8% badjihyo briefcase carry cars coffee driving fddongwan food gangsterjihyo hands idol onetwopunchvj piggyback poorkwangsoo queen tossing unluckykwangsoo watergun The men of Running Man pair up and have to find their Queen, then protect and pamper her throughout various missions, ending in an epic watergun showdown. | 851 | 154 | 18.10% |
![]() | #053 - Running Man Hunting, Part 2 2011-07-24 12.8% betrayal briefcase eating grasshopperhunt morningmission photo sleeping vjkwonryeol wakeup waterpark | 895 | 251 | 28.04% |
![]() | 2011-07-31 12.7% air best biking briefcase cars dice driving eat fddongwan food gold guessthemission kjkbeastmode microphone mondaycouple ripnametag secretmission sharpjongkook stupidkwangsoo timed unluckykwangsoo Three teams are formed with one boss each who must complete missions to get hints know who the other teams' bosses are. Then there is a showdown where they try to eliminate the boss. A person is eliminated if they rip the nametag from the non-boss. | 824 | 49 | 5.95% |
![]() | #061 - Running Man in China, Part 1 2011-09-18 16.3% Kang Ji-young (Kara) Kim Joo-hyuk Lee Yeon-hee briefcase buy china food foodbingo idol international mustwatch nojihyo | 883 | 153 | 17.33% |
![]() | #487 - The Rat Holds the Briefcase with Money 2020-01-26 6.0% No guests briefcase fortunetelling goodfeeling happynewyear money noguests ripnametag snake suspense teams This week, Running Man members have their fortunes read for the new year. Some sound promising, while others don't. Despite their future outlook, the race begins with a briefcase of money. Some members get to be snakes without knowing who else is, and the others team up as Team Running man. Through winning group missions, they get a chance to learn a digit to the 6-digit passcode on the briefcase, and as soon as it opens, the race ends. It's everyone against the snakes. | 666 | 101 | 15.17% |
![]() | #519 - Running Man Thief Race 2, The Copycat Criminals 2020-09-06 8.0% bags bestofjongkook birthday briefcase costumes detective diamond drawing garycameo jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo mystery photo playfuljaeseok roleplay secretidentity sharpjongkook stealing thief trial vote This week, Profiler Pyo Chang Won and Detective Yoon Seok Ho guest star in the show to be part of the Running Man Thief Race 2. The members are nervous, since a real detective and a profiler are present to find the thieves hidden among them. Like the last Thief Race, each member is given a role, which brings more advantages. Will they be able to catch the thieves this time? | 612 | 97 | 15.85% |