| #114 - X Man vs. Running Man 2012-10-07 18.4% Moon Geun-young catchthetail citizens dancing eunhye fansparticipate jongkookloveline jumprope loveline mondaycouple ofcourse ripnametag spy staringcontest teams teasingjongkook trainstopquest xman yooneunhyeteasing | 773 | 154 | 19.92% |
 | #115 - Incheon Landing 2012-10-14 19.1% Changmin (TVXQ) Moon Geun-young Yunho (TVXQ) chickenfight couples dbsk dodgeball gaze hideandseek idols jongkookloveline loveline mondaycouple mud mudflat photo ripnametag scavenger wakeup Running Man receive a morning wake-up performance, form couple teams and take part in a bell race. In the first challenge they must stand on a platform on a mud field and pose for a picture. Afterwards there is a dodgeball match against the VJs and a chicken fight. The winning and losing teams form an attacking and defending team respectively, and a nametag elimination and Running Ball elimination begins. | 762 | 178 | 23.36% |
 | #116 - Future Ddak Ji 2012-10-21 19.0% Ji Jin-hee Ji Sung Song Chang-eui ajhumeoni bestofgary chamchamcham coinflip ddakdji ddakji fddongwan gameofwits goodconcept hulahoop mondaycouple multiplication nametag randommrcapable ripnametag schemerharoro superpowers timetravel train trainstopquest unluckyseokjin | 759 | 148 | 19.50% |
 | #117 - Riddle Race 2012-10-28 20.2% Bae Suzy (miss A) Ji Jin-hee Ji Sung Kim Yu-bin (Wonder Girls) Song Chang-eui athleticgames children eating eunhye fansparticipate hotel idols jumping mondaycouple pedometer piggyback playboyhaha randommrcapable rockpaperscissors school spartace teams teamwork themepark wakeup | 777 | 144 | 18.53% |
 | #118 - Running Man Hunter... The Final Hunt 2012-11-04 20.4% Choi Min-soo Park Bo-young bbq camping easybrothers food forest goodconcept grasshopperhunt horror hunt hunting intense jail mentionofjoongki mondaycouple playboyhaha playground poorkwangsoo revenge ripnametag scary tents umbrella vjkwonryeol yooneunhyeteasing | 854 | 295 | 34.54% |
 | #119 - Superpower Baseball 2012-11-11 22.1% Hyun-jin Ryu Jin Se-yeon Kim Hwan Shin-Soo Choo athleteguests athletes baseball competitiveguests ddakji mondaycouple mustwatch powers randommrcapable ripnametag superpowers teams thighbattle ttakji vjkwonryeol Two Baseball stars join for a nametag elimination, thigh battle, ttakji match, and a superpower baseball match. | 844 | 322 | 38.15% |
 | #129 - Running Winter Olympics 2013-01-20 18.8% Choi Min-ho (Shinee) Hwang Kwanghee (ZE:A) Jung Yong-hwa (CNBLUE) L (Infinite) Lee Jong-hyun (CNBLUE) Lee Joon (MBLAQ) Sulli (f(x)) acejihyo competitiveguests easybrothers fddongwan flowerboys hideandseek icehockey idols kjkbeastmode meepmeep mondaycouple olympics prettyboys ripnametag sonyejin teams virus winter | 827 | 224 | 27.09% |
 | #130 - Running Man Reincarnation 2013-01-27 19.7% No guests fddongwan goodconcept meepmeep mondaycouple mustwatch noguests reincarnation ripnametag secondnametag strongestrunningman survivalseries timetravel | 900 | 397 | 44.11% |
 | #135 - Treasure Hunter 2013-03-03 19.5% Choi Si-won (Super Junior) Jackie Chan acupressure bomb idol mondaycouple skipping teams treasure | 841 | 268 | 31.87% |
 | #137 - The Fools and the Princesses 2013-03-17 18.5% Noh Sa-yeon Uee (After School) couplerace fddongwan fool idol kwangsooloveline meepmeep mondaycouple peperogame pool princess quiz roleplay swimmingpool teams teamwork water | 857 | 415 | 48.42% |
 | #142 - Best Couple Race 2013-04-21 16.4% Lee Bo-young Lee Sang-yoon acupressure badjihyo bingo carry coachkook couplerace fddongwan food foodbingo gangsterjihyo goeun kimhwan mondaycouple randommrcapable teams traitorsclub | 746 | 143 | 19.17% |
 | #143 - Superpower Karaoke Race 2013-04-28 14.9% Kim In-kwon Lee Kyung-kyu Ryu Hyun-kyung acejihyo dodgeball eggs karaoke mondaycouple ripnametag spa teams unluckykwangsoo | 755 | 194 | 25.70% |
 | #144 - Legendary King of Ddakji 2013-05-05 12.3% Cha In-pyo Ricky Kim Seo Jang-hoon bestofgary childrensday competitiveguests couple ddakdji easybrothers funguests joy mondaycouple peperogame racestart railbike redvelvet ripnametag shoethrowinggame teams | 724 | 145 | 20.03% |
 | #147 - Flower Boy Athletic Tournament 2013-05-26 16.0% Kim Soo-hyun Lee Hyun-woo acejihyo acupressure bowling chickencatching college fansparticipate flowerboys flyingchair funny godongwon launchchairs mondaycouple mustsee mustwatch pool relay rockpaperscissors school students tossing track tugofwar watermelon Flower boys gather and form 3 teams. Each compete in various athletic competitions, including an acupressure track relay race, rock-paper-scissors game with launching chairs, challenges in a small village, and then a tug-of-war with hundreds of university students. | 1065 | 610 | 57.28% |
 | #148 - Food Jumanji Race 2013-06-02 13.3% Jeong Jun-ha So Yi-hyun bestofgary dice eating fearofheights food jongkookloveline mondaycouple playfuljaeseok quiz rottenpotato teams traditionalmarket watergame | 713 | 82 | 11.50% |