Thumbnail | Episode | Watches | Favorites | Fave:Watch |
2012-12-09 21.1% betrayerkwangsoo betrayers cheating cooking dirtyplay easybrothers familyouting fddongwan food goodguests goyounjung haystack jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo kimchi meepmeep perm playfuljaeseok poorkwangsoo stealing teams | 830 | 288 | 34.70% | |
2017-03-05 6.4% No guests This week, it’s a match between the Running Man members and the staff. The team with more Running Balls will have a higher chance of winning. If the members win, a staff’s house will become their resting place. If the staff wins, one of the members’ houses will need to be sacrificed. Mission: Earn the Running Balls. | 623 | 43 | 6.90% |