Thumbnail | Episode | Watches | Favorites | Fave:Watch |
![]() | #197 - National University Race: King Of Ddakdji 2014-05-25 10.9% Jung Eun-ji (Apink) Kim Nam-joo (Apink) Oh Ha-young (Apink) Park Cho-rong (Apink) Son Na-eun (Apink) Yoon Bo-mi (Apink) apink bestofseokjin competition competitiveguests ddakdji doppleganger fansparticipate fun goodconcept heartwarming idols mustwatch personalstories teams thrilling university unpredictable yooneunhyeteasing | 699 | 229 | 32.76% |
![]() | 2017-03-05 6.4% No guests This week, it’s a match between the Running Man members and the staff. The team with more Running Balls will have a higher chance of winning. If the members win, a staff’s house will become their resting place. If the staff wins, one of the members’ houses will need to be sacrificed. Mission: Earn the Running Balls. | 660 | 49 | 7.42% |
![]() | 2018-10-21 7.4% No guests bestofseokjin candy dice doors food fun gourd kjkbeastmode mattress noguests plastic quiz ranking splashing spy styrofoam sukjinwin ugliestmemberdebate unluckyjongkook water waterslap This week, it is all about ranks. First, the members turn a roulette that has all their names on it to decide who will be the first person to decide on the rankings. They will go through various missions and answer questions in order to change the order of the rankings. Meanwhile, one of them knows the answers to all the questions. If the other members can find out who this absolute member is, he or she will be put in last place and receive a penalty. Who is this absolute member, and who will be the ultimate winner? | 746 | 128 | 17.16% |
![]() | #507 - Secret Broker Race: Hot Items from Convenience Store 2020-06-14 7.9% Do Sang-woo Han Sun-hwa (Secret) Ji Chang-wook Kim Yoo-jung betrayal blindfold broker bustalk busted conveniencestore food fun hammer kwangmong playfuljaeseok razor spy teasingkwangsoo teasingseokjin waterballoon zombiegame This week, the actors and actresses of 'Backstreet Rookie' join the Running Man members for a race where they have to pick the most sold items from convenience stores. Ji Chang Wook, Kim You Jung, Han Seon Hwa, and Do Sang Woo form a team with the members and carry out missions to earn points. Which team will win the race and get prizes? Tune in and find out! | 717 | 123 | 17.15% |
![]() | #508 - Running Man Loyalty Race: Sharing Playbook 2020-06-21 6.0% No guests 7012 bells bestofsomin cheaterkwangsoo coins fanstory firstkiss fun funny lovefrogsomin luckyjihyo membersfunnystories minchan mustsee mustwatch noguests personalstories playfuljaeseok race ripnametag spartace stories story teasingkwangsoo trueorfalse waterballoon This week, the members play three games with a theme inspired by a movie called 'The Platform.' They're placed on eight different floors, and the member on the top most floor can take as many coins as they're able. The one with the most coins can buy different prizes including a card that can be used to get exempted from a penalty. Who will be the final winner? Stay tuned to find out! | 731 | 220 | 30.10% |
![]() | #511 - 10th Anniversary Live Broadcast: Provocation by Running Man Thief 2020-07-12 6.5% No guests 10anniversary 10years anniversary bestofsechan bignose costumes detective fun garycameo goldbars jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo live livebroadcast mud mustwatch mystery noguests productplacement roleplay secretidentity stealing suspect thief trial unpredictable vote To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the show, the members participate in a mystery race where they have to find two thieves who stole CEO Big Nose's gold bars. The viewers participate in solving the mystery in real time. The result is announced through a live broadcast, allowing the members to have direct communication with the viewers. Will they successfully find the thieves? Stay tuned to find out! | 710 | 153 | 21.55% |