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#507 - Secret Broker Race: Hot Items from Convenience Store 2020-06-14 7.9% Do Sang-woo Han Sun-hwa (Secret) Ji Chang-wook Kim Yoo-jung betrayal blindfold broker bustalk busted conveniencestore food fun hammer kwangmong playfuljaeseok razor spy teasingkwangsoo teasingseokjin waterballoon zombiegame This week, the actors and actresses of 'Backstreet Rookie' join the Running Man members for a race where they have to pick the most sold items from convenience stores. Ji Chang Wook, Kim You Jung, Han Seon Hwa, and Do Sang Woo form a team with the members and carry out missions to earn points. Which team will win the race and get prizes? Tune in and find out! | 695 | 115 | 16.55% |