| #080 - Charlie's Angels 2012-02-05 17.1% Go Ara Hyomin (T-ara) Im Soo-hyang acejihyo couplerace dancing easybrothers fddongwan idol idols jongkookloveline maposiblings myeokpd ripnametag secretidentity secretmission spy vjkwonreol yooneunhyeteasing | 847 | 191 | 22.55% |
 | #082 - Spy Game 2012-02-19 17.3% Lee Da-hae 1versus badjihyo betrayal boxing busan fddongwan gangsterjihyo guessthesong innocentgary kwangsooannoyingjongkook mondaycouple myeokpd playboyhaha randommrcapable secretmission sharpjongkook spy teasingjongkook water waterballoon waterbomb yooneunhyeteasing | 809 | 177 | 21.88% |
 | #087 - First Love 2012-03-25 16.9% Han Ga-in amnesia fddongwan hulahoop meepmeep secretcouple | 748 | 100 | 13.37% |
 | #092 - Running Man Chinese Delivery 2012-04-29 13.7% Chun Jung-myung Park Jin-young beach delivery easybrothers fddongwan idol innocentgary island jjajang kwangmong matching meepmeep productplacement ripnametag sistar teams | 784 | 154 | 19.64% |
 | #096 - Park Ji Sung vs. Running Man: Superpower Soccer 2012-05-27 19.3% IU Park Ji-sung athleteguests easybrothers eating fansparticipate fddongwan food funguests goodguests kwangsooannoyingjongkook mustsee mustwatch powers rmfanguest selling soccer spy superpowers tugofwar university vjkwonreol | 922 | 372 | 40.35% |
 | #104 - Running Olympics 2012-07-22 19.9% Eunhyuk (Super Junior) Hahm Eun-jung (T-ara) Jung Yong-hwa (CNBLUE) Lee Joon (MBLAQ) Nichkhun (2PM) Yim Si-wan (ZE:A) Yoon Doo-joon (Beast) athleticgames badjihyo bells coachkook competitiveguests fddongwan flowerboys gangsterjihyo hideandseek idols jail kjkbeastmode kwangsooannoyingjongkook meepmeep olympics pool poorkwangsoo prettyboys race relay ripnametag runningmanvs schemerharoro suspense teamwork trampoline vjkwonreol volleyball A multilingual and talented MC announces the Running Man team and Idols team. They first compete against each other in a relay race, trampoline volleyball match, water high jump match, and a back-and-forth nametag elimination match. | 918 | 359 | 39.11% |
 | #105 - Jeju Money Game 2012-08-05 16.7% Han Ji-min aquarium betrayerkwangsoo coachkook easybrothers fddongwan funnyopening jeju maze meepmeep money ripnametag runningmanmt water | 754 | 97 | 12.86% |
 | #108 - Don't Walk, Date 2012-08-26 17.2% Gong Hyo-jin Lee Joon (MBLAQ) acting badjihyo balloons fddongwan heartrate idol meepmeep mustwatch nogary poorkwangsoo quiz teasingkwangsoo water yooneunhyeteasing | 811 | 275 | 33.91% |
 | #109 - Four Seasons Training Race 2012-09-02 21.3% Park Tae-hwan Son Yeon-jae athleteguests athletes fddongwan karaoke meepmeep olympics ripnametag vjkwonryeol yooneunhyeteasing | 770 | 120 | 15.58% |
 | #110 - Target Hunting 2012-09-09 21.0% Park Tae-hwan Son Yeon-jae athleteguests athletes ddakji fddongwan hahascheme jail meepmeep ripnametag schemerharoro sleepingjihyo stretching wakeup | 741 | 154 | 20.78% |
 | #111 - Middle Aged Flowers Race 2012-09-16 20.4% Im Ha-ryong Ko Chang-seok Lee Jong-won Shin Jung-geun Son Byong-ho badjihyo baseball blindfold bus busan dice fddongwan food hide map ripnametag rollercoaster shoethrowinggame | 763 | 147 | 19.27% |
 | #113 - Absolute Ddak Ji 2012-09-30 16.6% Jeon Mi-seon Yoo Hae-jin Yum Jung-ah acejihyo badjihyo bestofjongkook chuseok coinflip ddakdji easybrothers fddongwan foodmission gangsterjihyo godongwan jongkookloveline meepmeep mondaycouple mustwatch roleplay sparta ssireum | 750 | 204 | 27.20% |
 | #116 - Future Ddak Ji 2012-10-21 19.0% Ji Jin-hee Ji Sung Song Chang-eui ajhumeoni bestofgary chamchamcham coinflip ddakdji ddakji fddongwan gameofwits goodconcept hulahoop mondaycouple multiplication nametag randommrcapable ripnametag schemerharoro superpowers timetravel train trainstopquest unluckyseokjin | 759 | 148 | 19.50% |
 | #122 - Back To The 1980's (Time Machine) 2012-12-02 19.2% Goo Hara (Kara) Jung Won-gwan Kang Susie Kim Tae-hyung Kim Wan-sun Lee Sang-won (Sobangcha) Park Nam-jung dancing fddongwan funguests idols jongkookloveline meepmeep nostalgia obstaclecourse relay rollypolly runningmanvs teams teamwork timetravel | 763 | 163 | 21.36% |
 | #123 - Kimchi Making Race 2012-12-09 21.1% Go Soo Han Hyo-joo betrayerkwangsoo betrayers cheating cooking dirtyplay easybrothers familyouting fddongwan food goodguests goyounjung haystack jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo kimchi meepmeep perm playfuljaeseok poorkwangsoo stealing teams | 879 | 309 | 35.15% |