Thumbnail | Episode | Watches | Favorites | Fave:Watch |
![]() | 2011-01-30 14.3% dancing fddongwan findtheguest karaoke meepmeep mondaycouple nunchucks pogostick pylon randommrcapable runningball singing sitting trafficcone turbo walkietalkie weigh This episode takes place at a spa and the special guest is known for his acrobatic stunts. Running Man members must find him among other people at the spa and do diet karaoke and stunt challenges against Kim Byung-man. | 931 | 232 | 24.92% |
![]() | #031 - Alpensia Ocean 700 Water Park 2011-02-20 11.9% 1versus acejihyo air beachwear birthday breadstick bridge commander cramp dancing elimination fddongwan findtheguest funny gaze karaoke meepmeep mondaycouple mustwatch playfuljaeseok pool poorkwangsoo rmvsstaff rockpaperscissors runningball songsongcouple splashing summerspecial teamwin teamwork teasingkwangsoo vjkwonreol waterpark In order to challenge the Running Man team, the FD (Floor Director) has set up special obstacles at a water park: find the guest, karaoke challenge, and an Indiana Jones-esque bridge. This episode kicks off with the RM team outside in beachwear during winter. | 955 | 201 | 21.05% |
![]() | 2011-03-06 10.8% chase cheaterkwangsoo counting escape fddongwan findtheguest fugitive luggage math mondaycouple money packing passport runaways songsongcouple tickets unluckykwangsoo wristband The guest must complete different mission checkpoints to get to the airport and leave the country, with Running Man tracking him through GPS and trying to catch him beforehand. They go through a money counting challenge, luggage packing competition, and a travel bag race. | 894 | 113 | 12.64% |
![]() | 2011-03-13 9.2% Park Jun-gyu Uee (After School) 1versus badjihyo cheolminpd coupon eat fddongwan findtheguest food friends idol kimsoohyun kwangsooannoyingjongkook meepmeep mondaycouple mondaystaffcouple tricksters tricktheguest vjbloopers vjkwonreol water wristband Running Man members look for the two guests who are at the same time looking for 5 coupons in restaurants in the Hongdae area. If they enter a restaurant and the guest is not there, they must stay and eat. Afterwards, a 1:9 challenge is held against one of the guests, and a water pouring challenge is held between two teams. | 900 | 151 | 16.78% |
![]() | 2011-04-10 10.7% No guests bestofjaeseok betrayal dongwan fddongwan findtheguest innocentgary mustwatch noguests oneofthebest runningball secretmission spy stress tabletennis watergun wristband yoomesbond The first ever spy concept is introduced in this episode. One Running Man member is selected to eliminate the others through spraying their nametags with water in a hospital. Afterwards, they undergo an eye test and stress competition. | 1028 | 371 | 36.09% |
![]() | 2011-04-24 10.2% Nichkhun (2PM) Ok Taec-yeon (2PM) acejihyo badjihyo bells costumes fddongwan findtheguest goodfeeling idol idols instruments kkuk mondaystaffcouple muscularahjumma music mustwatch photo ripnametag rockpaperscissors runningball unluckykwangsoo vjbloopers vjkwonreol Running Man members must find Little Prince outfits in a French village while being chased by the two guests. Afterwards two teams are formed and must perform classic European songs with assorted instruments and are judged by a panel. | 955 | 328 | 34.35% |
![]() | 2011-06-26 9.8% badjihyo briefcase carry cars coffee driving fddongwan food gangsterjihyo hands idol onetwopunchvj piggyback poorkwangsoo queen tossing unluckykwangsoo watergun The men of Running Man pair up and have to find their Queen, then protect and pamper her throughout various missions, ending in an epic watergun showdown. | 851 | 154 | 18.10% |
![]() | #051 - Running Man in Thailand, Part 2 2011-07-10 12.5% boat breakfast fddongwan idol international kwangvatar meepmeep money morningmission onetwopunchvj ripnametag sleeping sleepingjihyo thailand thief wake wakeup One of the members is made a thief to steal the moneybags and get to keep the money if they complete the mission. The others all suspect each other and theories arise. | 900 | 191 | 21.22% |
![]() | 2011-07-31 12.7% air best biking briefcase cars dice driving eat fddongwan food gold guessthemission kjkbeastmode microphone mondaycouple ripnametag secretmission sharpjongkook stupidkwangsoo timed unluckykwangsoo Three teams are formed with one boss each who must complete missions to get hints know who the other teams' bosses are. Then there is a showdown where they try to eliminate the boss. A person is eliminated if they rip the nametag from the non-boss. | 824 | 49 | 5.95% |
![]() | #056 - Middle Aged Women Special 2011-08-14 13.6% Ahn Mun-sook Kim Sook Shin Bong-sun Yang Jung-a ahjumeonni biking cars couplerace couples fddongwan fiercegirls hideandseek milk piggyback ripnametag The men of Running Man wake up to a big surprise from the day before. They must form couple teams with the guests and eliminate each other in a village. | 863 | 159 | 18.42% |
![]() | 2011-09-11 13.3% No guests bestofgary fakespy fddongwan fool goodconcept innocentgary mustwatch noguests spy truegaryshow trugaryshow | 997 | 368 | 36.91% |
![]() | 2011-11-27 17.3% Lee Min-ki Park Chul-min Son Ye-jin badjihyo betrayal fddongwan gangsterjihyo highschool mondaycouple phone playboyhaha ripnametag school secretidentity spartace spy train vjkwonryeol | 858 | 148 | 17.25% |
![]() | 2011-12-04 15.4% doppleganger driedpersimmon easybrothers english fddongwan flogging foreigners group hanriver meepmeep mentionofjoongki oppa queen ripnametag sleepingjihyo songjoongki tabletennis teams traditionalmarket | 765 | 37 | 4.84% |
![]() | #073 - Hong Kong 24 Hours, Part 2 2011-12-18 18.2% Jung Yong-hwa (CNBLUE) Lee Min-jung animals betrayal easybrothers fansparticipate fddongwan goldjihyo hongkong hotel idol international jackiechan meepmeep mondaycouple panda playboyhaha ripnametag rollercoaster sleeping unluckyjaeseok vjbloopers zoo | 830 | 189 | 22.77% |
![]() | #074 - The Best Running Man #2 2011-12-25 17.1% No guests bestofgary betrayal betrayers christmas deathnote duplicator fddongwan hahascheme kwangsooannoyingjongkook meepmeep mondaycouple mustwatch noguests oneofthebest phoenix powers randommrcapable ripnametag schemerharoro sechskies sharpjongkook sixthsense strongestrunningman superpowers survivalseries unluckykwangsoo unpredictable vietsub vjkwonreol wittyhaha Running Man pairs are formed and receive a meeting place. The remaining Running Man not in a pair does not receive the hint but receives the meeting place accidentally. There they receive unique superpowers and a nametag elimination begins. | 1165 | 667 | 57.25% |