| #097 - Asian Dream Cup 2012 2012-06-03 21.3% Ahn Jung-hwan IU Jong Tae-se Lee Chung-yong Park Ji-sung Rio Ferdinand Song Joong-ki athleteguests doppleganger framerkwangsoo funguests goodguests international language nojaeseok racestart racestarter ripnametag soccer spy thailand vj vjbloopers | 862 | 231 | 26.80% |
 | #098 - Mystery Zombie Race 2012-06-10 17.9% No guests campfire dancing kwang mondaycouple noguests rickykim ripnametag roleplay scary scavenger school singing watergun zombie Seven high school students go on a field trip to an island overnight with one having a highly infectious disease. | 897 | 311 | 34.67% |
 | #103 - Beauty and the Beast 2012-07-15 21.4% Noh Sa-yeon Shin Se-kyung Yoo Jun-sang balance driving fishoutofwater food goodfeeling piggyback pool princess ripnametag spartace spicy suitcase teams tuna vjkwonreol water | 873 | 307 | 35.17% |
 | #104 - Running Olympics 2012-07-22 19.9% Eunhyuk (Super Junior) Hahm Eun-jung (T-ara) Jung Yong-hwa (CNBLUE) Lee Joon (MBLAQ) Nichkhun (2PM) Yim Si-wan (ZE:A) Yoon Doo-joon (Beast) athleticgames badjihyo bells coachkook competitiveguests fddongwan flowerboys gangsterjihyo hideandseek idols jail kjkbeastmode kwangsooannoyingjongkook meepmeep olympics pool poorkwangsoo prettyboys race relay ripnametag runningmanvs schemerharoro suspense teamwork trampoline vjkwonreol volleyball A multilingual and talented MC announces the Running Man team and Idols team. They first compete against each other in a relay race, trampoline volleyball match, water high jump match, and a back-and-forth nametag elimination match. | 919 | 360 | 39.17% |
 | #105 - Jeju Money Game 2012-08-05 16.7% Han Ji-min aquarium betrayerkwangsoo coachkook easybrothers fddongwan funnyopening jeju maze meepmeep money ripnametag runningmanmt water | 754 | 97 | 12.86% |
 | #106 - Find the Real Love 2012-08-12 20.3% Han Ji-min Kim Je-dong betrayerkwangsoo easybrothers fansign jeju kooksoo kwangsooannoyingjongkook lookbrothers love mondaycouple ripnametag signatures watergun | 728 | 74 | 10.16% |
 | #107 - Running Man Chaser 2012-08-19 19.4% Gaeko (Dynamic Duo) Jang Shin-young Kim Sang-joong betrayal chasing detective gold ripnametag secret spy watergun | 716 | 42 | 5.87% |
 | #109 - Four Seasons Training Race 2012-09-02 21.3% Park Tae-hwan Son Yeon-jae athleteguests athletes fddongwan karaoke meepmeep olympics ripnametag vjkwonryeol yooneunhyeteasing | 770 | 120 | 15.58% |
 | #110 - Target Hunting 2012-09-09 21.0% Park Tae-hwan Son Yeon-jae athleteguests athletes ddakji fddongwan hahascheme jail meepmeep ripnametag schemerharoro sleepingjihyo stretching wakeup | 741 | 154 | 20.78% |
 | #111 - Middle Aged Flowers Race 2012-09-16 20.4% Im Ha-ryong Ko Chang-seok Lee Jong-won Shin Jung-geun Son Byong-ho badjihyo baseball blindfold bus busan dice fddongwan food hide map ripnametag rollercoaster shoethrowinggame | 763 | 147 | 19.27% |
 | #112 - Daddy And The Golden Eggs 2012-09-23 18.0% Kim Tae-yeon (Girls' Generation) Ko Chang-seok Lee Jong-won Shin Jung-geun Son Byong-ho bestfights flowertea idol quiz ripnametag snsdgee wakeup yoorucewillis | 761 | 152 | 19.97% |
 | #114 - X Man vs. Running Man 2012-10-07 18.4% Moon Geun-young catchthetail citizens dancing eunhye fansparticipate jongkookloveline jumprope loveline mondaycouple ofcourse ripnametag spy staringcontest teams teasingjongkook trainstopquest xman yooneunhyeteasing | 773 | 154 | 19.92% |
 | #115 - Incheon Landing 2012-10-14 19.1% Changmin (TVXQ) Moon Geun-young Yunho (TVXQ) chickenfight couples dbsk dodgeball gaze hideandseek idols jongkookloveline loveline mondaycouple mud mudflat photo ripnametag scavenger wakeup Running Man receive a morning wake-up performance, form couple teams and take part in a bell race. In the first challenge they must stand on a platform on a mud field and pose for a picture. Afterwards there is a dodgeball match against the VJs and a chicken fight. The winning and losing teams form an attacking and defending team respectively, and a nametag elimination and Running Ball elimination begins. | 762 | 178 | 23.36% |
 | #116 - Future Ddak Ji 2012-10-21 19.0% Ji Jin-hee Ji Sung Song Chang-eui ajhumeoni bestofgary chamchamcham coinflip ddakdji ddakji fddongwan gameofwits goodconcept hulahoop mondaycouple multiplication nametag randommrcapable ripnametag schemerharoro superpowers timetravel train trainstopquest unluckyseokjin | 759 | 148 | 19.50% |
 | #118 - Running Man Hunter... The Final Hunt 2012-11-04 20.4% Choi Min-soo Park Bo-young bbq camping easybrothers food forest goodconcept grasshopperhunt horror hunt hunting intense jail mentionofjoongki mondaycouple playboyhaha playground poorkwangsoo revenge ripnametag scary tents umbrella vjkwonryeol yooneunhyeteasing | 855 | 295 | 34.50% |