| #151 - King of the Killers Race 2013-06-23 12.1% Han Hyo-joo Jung Woo-sung Lee Jun-ho (2PM) bells camera finding idol missions mustwatch quiz ranking ripnametag survivalrace vote | 824 | 217 | 26.33% |
 | #152 - Early Vacation Race 2013-06-30 13.4% Han Hyo-joo Jung Woo-sung Lee Jun-ho (2PM) acejihyo blobjump funnyguests idol mondaycouple racestarter ripnametag teams teamwork water watermelon wrestling | 803 | 186 | 23.16% |
 | #153 - Return of The Captain 2013-07-07 13.9% Koo Ja-cheol Park Ji-sung Sulli (f(x)) hideandseek idol mondaycouple racestarter ripnametag soccer targets volleyball yooneunhyeteasing Two teams are formed and compete against each other in a soccer volleyball match. Afterwards a kicking target match is held where they have the ability to kick a soccerball at nametags for each person where there is a big and small nametag. Depending on the one they hit, the person must wear a nametag of the size. A nametag elimination match is held after. | 764 | 161 | 21.07% |
 | #154 - Shanghai Dream Cup 2013 2013-07-14 15.3% Koo Ja-cheol Park Ji-sung Patrice Evra Sulli (f(x)) acupressure bestofseokjin foreigners funnyguests headers idol manchesterunited mondaycouple mustwatch photo skipping smiling soccer tossing ttakji A soccer superstar is introduced and various challenges are held between two teams (ttakji, straw soccer, acupressure rope skipping, and a header match). The winner of each match receives a ticket allowing the soccer superstars to select a Running Man member to compete in the Dream Cup soccer match. A hilarious free-kick photozone challenge is held where the opposing team gets to kick the ball against the other team who must be smiling in the photo. The highlight of this episode is at the end where the actual Dream Cup is held. | 763 | 195 | 25.56% |
 | #155 - Destiny's Pairs 2013-07-21 13.2% Bae Suzy (miss A) armwrestle couples fddongwan hideandseek horror idol idols items mirror mustwatch ripnametag roleplay scary school shoethrowinggame teams tossing At an ordinary high school, high school members compete in shoe tossing and nametag elimination matches. Afterwards they must find their destined partner, stand in front of the Mirror of Mystery and ask if they are the destined couple. But a horrible truth is revealed. | 932 | 454 | 48.71% |
 | #156 - Alien Invasion 2013-07-28 12.8% CL (2NE1) Minzy (2NE1) Park Bom (2NE1) Sandara Park (2NE1) Taeyang (Big Bang) aliens bestofseokjin code crossword dancing gossaum idol idols isubs mannequin park pedometer pool push ripnametag safe songguess spartace squeeze teams towel ufo water waterbottles yooneunhyeteasing Aliens are sent to Earth (Planet R21) in 3 teams to gather exactly 21 litres of water. | 751 | 146 | 19.44% |
 | #157 - I Hear Your Voice (Parody) 2013-08-04 10.8% Ahn Gil-kang Jung Woong-in Kim Hee-won acting dirtyplay fddongwan funguests goodconcept goodfeeling goofyguests kwangsooannoyingjongkook meepmeep roleplay slip teams villainguests | 727 | 173 | 23.80% |
 | #158 - Hide and Seek 2013-08-11 11.7% Jeon Mi-seon Moon Jeong-hee Son Hyun-joo acupressure elimination fool guess luck mission secretidentity secretmission water | 736 | 114 | 15.49% |
 | #159 - Couple Race 2013-08-18 14.1% Choi Jung-in Jo Jung-chi (Mystic89) John Park Kim Kwang-kyu Lim Kim (Togeworl) Park Sang-myun Sayuri Fujita boat couplerace couples dance elimination fddongwan gold goldbars goodfeeling mondaycouple quiz stream swimmingpool water | 816 | 350 | 42.89% |
 | #160 - Ranking Organization 2013-08-25 12.2% Andy Lee (Shinhwa) Eric Mun (Shinhwa) Jun Jin (Shinhwa) Lee Min-woo (Shinhwa) Shin Hye-sung (Shinhwa) acupressure badjihyo ball boat camera cheating coins dirtyplay eggs elevator fddongwan food gangsterjihyo idol idols kwangmong maposiblings meepmeep mondaycouple mud pants poorkwangsoo ranking ripnametag scream slap tabletennis Running Man members undergo various challenges in order to establish a rank order which brings various benefits to the top-ranking members, and gold coins are given according to rank. The challenges lead them to an island where they meet pirates who rob them of their gold coins. | 824 | 255 | 30.95% |
 | #161 - Pirates of the Caribbean 2013-09-01 11.1% Andy Lee (Shinhwa) Eric Mun (Shinhwa) Jun Jin (Shinhwa) Lee Min-woo (Shinhwa) Shin Hye-sung (Shinhwa) cheaterkwangsoo cheatingguests coins competitiveguests dirtyplay gold goodguests handslap highenergy idol idols ripnametag rmteam roleplay runningmanvs sand teamwork water wrestling | 756 | 115 | 15.21% |
 | #162 - King of Idols 2013-09-08 12.9% Bang Min-ah (Girl's Day) Hwang Chan-sung (2PM) Hyolyn (Sistar) Jang Wooyoung (2PM) Jung Eun-ji (Apink) Kim Da-som (Sistar) Kim Sung-kyu (Infinite) L (Infinite) Lee Gi-kwang (Beast) Lee Joon (MBLAQ) Son Na-eun (Apink) Yang Seung-ho (MBLAQ) Yoon Doo-joon (Beast) Yura (Girl's Day) acejihyo apink bestofgary bestofkwangsoo bestofseokjin blobjump competitiveguests dancing dodgeball flowerboys idols kpop mustsee mustwatch platform pool prettyboys race sexyjongkook shinhye teams unluckyjaeseok water Each Running Man is teamed up with an idol music group and introduce themselves in hilarious dance performance. A pool platform match, blop jump, dodgeball match, and a timed escape challenge are held. | 1091 | 590 | 54.08% |
 | #163 - Stealing Princess Jihyo's heart 2013-09-15 11.8% Daesung (Big Bang) G-Dragon (Big Bang) Seungri (Big Bang) bestofjihyo bigbang dogs flowerboys goldjihyo idol idols jihyo kiss luck luckyjihyo mondaycouple mud princess princessjihyo water | 948 | 434 | 45.78% |
 | #164 - Great Inheritance 2013-09-22 13.7% Kim Hae-sook Yoo Ah-in cooking finding flyingchair food funguests goodfeeling inheritance mondaycouple pool roleplay water watergame | 732 | 161 | 21.99% |
 | #165 - Search for the Little Girl 2013-09-29 12.9% No guests acejihyo emotional fansign fansparticipate fanstory father goodfeeling heartwarming membersfamily mustsee mustwatch noguests race rmfanguest school signatures wallclimbing | 814 | 339 | 41.65% |