Highest to Lowest Rated Episodes (new cast) (398) - Page 9

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#485 - We Won't Harm You

2020-01-12 7.0%

Ahn Jae-hong Jeon Yeo-been Kang So-ra Kim Sung-oh

betrayal deity flipbottle flogging food funny gameofwits goofyguests jjajang kimwoobin mechanicalbull memorize minchan pettyjongkook playfuljaeseok ripnametag rodeo waterbomb

This week, the cast from Secret Zoo, Ahn Jae Hong, Kang So Ra, Jeon Yeo Been, Kim Sung Oh, join Running Man to promote their movie. Each guest is the captain of a team with two other Running Man members. Hidden among them are two reincarnated members and two deities of death who are out to get them. Only the deities can eliminate members. The losing team faces the water bomb.


#504 - Crossroads of Choice: Too Much Dilemma

2020-05-24 7.0%

Kim Jae-kyung (Rainbow) Kim Min-kyu Shim Eun-woo

betrayers coins english goodguests idol idols jichangwook membershouse mentionofgary minchan nosomin poorkwangsoo soccer sominshouse visithome

This week, actors who have faced a dilemma visit the show. Sim Eun Woo is a rising actress who showed impressive acting skills in 'A World of Married Couple.' Kim Min Gue shows off his charms in both variety shows and drama. Kim Jae Kyung is a versatile entertainer who can act and sing. These stars join the members to participate in Coin Dilemma.


#521 - Fashion Choice Race, All or Nothing

2020-09-20 7.0%

No guests

balancegame balloons cap goodfeeling gun kwangmong membersfunnystories minchan nerfgun noguests personalstories playfuljaeseok quiz randomclothes roulette

This week, the members play a race outdoors where they have to eliminate one another to become the final winner. Before the race, they look for chance cards which can be used to earn bullets or candy bars. The candy bars can be used to make the game more favorable to each member. Who will be the winner of this week's race? Stay tuned to find out!


#531 - Penthouse Special Part 2: Tenant War

2020-11-29 7.0%

Eugene Ha Do-kwon Kim So-yeon Lee Ji-ah

betrayal betrayers competitiveguests hiddenmissions kungkungta money mustwatch penalty productplacement ripnametag stealing unluckykwangsoo

This week, the race from last week continues. The guests and members are divided into top class and bottom class where they receive money according to their mission results. Although they're divided into two classes, it's an individual race, so they keep an eye on each other to avoid getting betrayed. Who will make it to the penthouse?


#488 - The Thieves: Tear of Yondu

2020-02-02 6.9%

Park Ha-na

escaperoom kookminsiblings mansion mustwatch police spy strawberrygame thief treasure waterbomb watergun

This week, actress Park Ha Na joins the show as the only guest. They split into three teams of three and attempt to steal as much valuable loot as they possibly can from an empty mansion. Each team consists of a firearms expert, a hacker, and an appraiser with a specific tool to help their role. The prized object is the Tear of Yondu, a dazzling necklace worth 30 million dollars. However, finding it will be a challenge.


#505 - Eliminating Trespassers: Secret of the Old Village

2020-05-31 6.9%

No guests

bestof2020 bestofhaha busted diamond digging funny gems goodconcept horror jeonsomin jongkookloveline kimgyeran money mustwatch mystery noguests oneofthebest ripnametag roleplay scarecrow scary somin sominsback suspense thrilling traditionalvillage unpredictable

So Min joins the members after a long hiatus. The members head to a village called Gujeon where gems are buried everywhere. They are to dig out the gems which are valuable. However, there seems to be a secret the villagers are hiding. Will the members be able to safely make it out of the village? Stay tuned to find out!


#537 - Production Objective Race: Running Man Rewritten, Part 1

2021-01-10 6.9%

No guests

betting caramel gambling garycameo kimdaesang maposiblings membersfunnystories mustwatch noguests nostalgia playfuljaeseok teasingkwangsoo teasingseokjin ugliestmemberdebate unluckytrio

The Card Shark Association New Year's Party comes to an end. The last mission is a cutthroat game that will determine who gets to go home first. Meanwhile, the members regroup after a week. A new race to decide whose idea will be used to update the outdated Running Man website begins. Stay tuned to see who has the catchiest and funniest ideas for the website.


#542 - 2021 Running Man Neighborhood Athletic Meet with The Penthouse

2021-02-14 6.9%

Ha Do-kwon Park Eun-seok Yoon Jong-hoon

apples ball balloon footvolleyball gangsterjihyo mustwatch quiz ripnametag tag

For the last day of the Lunar New Year holidays, the three actors of 'The Penthouse,' Park Eun Seok, Yoon Jong Hun, and Ha Do Kwon, visit Running Man. They join the show for the 2021 Running Man Neighborhood Athletic Meet where they compete to gather more trophy stamps in their stamp books.


#557 - Going Home Race, Read the Room

2021-05-30 6.9%

No guests

badjihyo childrensday easybrothers emotional farewellkwangsoo feelchokcross footvolleyball gameofwits hadream mongdol noguests pilchokcross playfuljaeseok teasingkwangsoo


#347 - The 1st Global Race Special: Japan, Taiwan, and Jeju Island

2017-04-23 6.8%

Jang Do-yeon

bathhouse finding food goodfeeling international japan jeju massage sportsmassage taiwan

In this week's episode of Running Man, the members are divided into three teams. Each team goes to Osaka, Taipei, and Jeju Island. However, they must finish the team and come back before the day ends. Will they be able to have a successful trip?


#357 - Somewhere 1%: No.1 Couple Race (3)

2017-07-02 6.8%

Hong Jin-young Lee Sun-bin Lee Tae-hwan (5urprise) Oh Ha-young (Apink) Son Na-eun (Apink) Son Yeo-eun

apink bestofkwangsoo bustalk couplerace foodmission idols jongkookloveline kwangsooandleesunbin kwangsooloveline magnetgirl nonsensegame ripnametag swing unluckykwangsoo waterpark

This week, the Running Man members are joined by seven guests. They are paired and form a group of two. They go through different missions in order to stay away from receiving the Sticker. Meanwhile, Kwang Soo is reunited with his love.


#359 - Somewhere 1%: I GO, STOP Race (5)

2017-07-16 6.8%

No guests

busgames bustalk dice flyingchair funny goodconcept guessthesong kwangmin noguests nonsensegame pool ripnametag singing

This week, the Running Man members are on a chase again. The members have to face the 'flying chair' in fear. The device makes So Min shiver in fear and all the other members shake their heads in shock. Find out where the final destination is for the losers of the race.


#375 - City of Outlaws Race (2) / Mystery Autumn Trip Race

2017-11-05 6.8%

Ha Yeon-soo Jo Se-ho Kang Daniel (Wanna One) Noh Sa-yeon

betrayal items mentionofjoongki money ripnametag runningballs waterbomb

This week, the Running Man members continue off from where they ended last week. Each of the three gangs have a safe that contains all their capital. They need to rip each other's name tags to find out where the opposing safes are. Which team will meet their victory?


#403 - War of Money

2018-06-03 6.8%

No guests

cheaterkwangsoo curling flogging guessthemovie hammer kwangmin noguests penalty pirateroulette quiz stealing voting whereisgary

For this week, Kwang Soo, Seok Jin, So Min, and Jae Seok are greeted with wing walking consent forms. In order for them to go through with the Shuddering Package, they need to sign these forms before wing walking. Every single one of them is terrified and hesitate to sign it. Meanwhile, each of the members are told to bring three items for another member if they were to be isolated for an entire day.


#440 - The Secret of 100

2019-02-24 6.8%

No guests

bestofjaeseok betrayal betting coachkook escaperoom fansparticipate gambling goodconcept hideandseek historical luck luckyjihyo money mustwatch noguests pirateroulette ripnametag spartace unluckyjaeseok

The race for this episode is The Great War of Money. The member with the most amount of money after the race is the final winner. They compete in teams and as individuals for each mission. For every mission, they get hints for the next stage and accumulate money to become the winner. What is the secret behind these missions and hints. Stay tuned to find out the final winner who will receive the invaluable prize!


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Statistics (as of 2025-03-09):
  • 743 episodes, 1,084 guests, 1,493 tags
  • 109,364 users, 489,706 watches, 103,823 favorites, 24,906 plans to watch