| #150 - The Avengers 2013-06-16 11.1% Choo Sung-hoon Hwang Chan-sung (2PM) Jung Doo-hong Kim Dong-hyun Ok Taec-yeon (2PM) acejihyo athleteguests bestofgary bestofseokjin betrayal fddongwan idols mall meepmeep mondaycouple mustwatch paintball powers ripnametag roleplay singing superpowers | 847 | 310 | 36.60% |
 | #152 - Early Vacation Race 2013-06-30 13.4% Han Hyo-joo Jung Woo-sung Lee Jun-ho (2PM) acejihyo blobjump funnyguests idol mondaycouple racestarter ripnametag teams teamwork water watermelon wrestling | 792 | 179 | 22.60% |
 | #162 - King of Idols 2013-09-08 12.9% Bang Min-ah (Girl's Day) Hwang Chan-sung (2PM) Hyolyn (Sistar) Jang Wooyoung (2PM) Jung Eun-ji (Apink) Kim Da-som (Sistar) Kim Sung-kyu (Infinite) L (Infinite) Lee Gi-kwang (Beast) Lee Joon (MBLAQ) Son Na-eun (Apink) Yang Seung-ho (MBLAQ) Yoon Doo-joon (Beast) Yura (Girl's Day) acejihyo apink bestofgary bestofkwangsoo bestofseokjin blobjump competitiveguests dancing dodgeball flowerboys idols kpop mustsee mustwatch platform pool prettyboys race sexyjongkook shinhye teams unluckyjaeseok water Each Running Man is teamed up with an idol music group and introduce themselves in hilarious dance performance. A pool platform match, blop jump, dodgeball match, and a timed escape challenge are held. | 1069 | 577 | 53.98% |
 | #165 - Search for the Little Girl 2013-09-29 12.9% No guests acejihyo emotional fansign fansparticipate fanstory father goodfeeling heartwarming membersfamily mustsee mustwatch noguests race rmfanguest school signatures wallclimbing | 808 | 335 | 41.46% |
 | #168 - The Wolf and the Lamb 2013-10-20 12.4% IU Park Myeong-su acejihyo badjihyo boxing gangsterjihyo gary gold goldbars goldjihyo kwangmong mondaycouple ofcourse ripnametag seohyunjin suzy swimmingpool In this episode, musicians IU and Park Myung Soo join the members and have a Wolf and Sheep Race. They get to choose to be either a wolf or a sheep, and they should make a guess about the ratio of wolves to sheep. The final winner who gets it right will win the gold. | 780 | 244 | 31.28% |
 | #178 - Year End Special 2013-12-29 12.7% No guests 7012 acejihyo bestofhaha boat emotional goodfeeling hanriver hulahoop jenga mustwatch noguests relay rmteam rmvsstaff runningballs runningmanvs sleepingjihyo teamwork twice waterbomb | 1009 | 604 | 59.86% |
 | #196 - Running Man's Time Travel 2014-05-18 9.5% No guests 7012 acejihyo deathnote duplicator fansparticipate fddongwan goodconcept kookminator meepmeep mondaycouple mustwatch noguests phoenix powers ripnametag rollroll sherlockholmes sixthsense spy superpowers survivalseries timetravel university yoomesbond | 784 | 322 | 41.07% |
 | #209 - Legend vs. Young Blood 2014-08-17 10.6% Chun Myung-hoon Danny Ahn (g.o.d) Eun Ji-won (Sechs Kies) Kai (EXO) Lee Tae-min (Shinee) Moon Hee-joon (H.O.T.) Oh Se-hun (EXO) Soyou (Sistar) acejihyo badjihyo bestofjihyo cheatingguests coachkook competitiveguests dirtyplay flowerboys funguests funny funnyjaesuk gangsterjihyo idols launchchairs luckyjihyo mondaycouple monstax mud mustwatch pool prettyboys ripnametag swimming wrestling | 906 | 443 | 48.90% |
 | #246 - Kidnapped Actress - The Secret of a Fake Detective 2015-05-10 9.0% Park Seo-joon Son Hyun-joo acejihyo candyalliance detective hahaout jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo playfuljaeseok secretrule sharpjongkook | 733 | 185 | 25.24% |
 | #252 - High School King 2015-06-21 7.4% Eun Ji-won (Sechs Kies) Jay Park Jessi San E Verbal Jint acejihyo highschool hiphop idols luckyjihyo mustwatch names rmteam | 728 | 183 | 25.14% |
 | #266 - Rest Stop Specialty Food Tour 2015-09-27 7.5% Eunhyuk (Super Junior) Hong Jin-young Lim Ju-hwan acejihyo beach betrayal chase eating idol idols jongkookloveline mondaycouple | 695 | 161 | 23.17% |
 | #269 - The Legacy 2015-10-18 8.4% Kim Hee-won Lee Chun-hee Park Bo-young acejihyo bellnametag goldbars goodfeeling hideandseek history intense intensenametagripping nostalgia oneonone quiz ripnametag vjkwonreol vjkwonryeol | 655 | 132 | 20.15% |
 | #276 - Lost in Seoul 2015-12-06 5.8% No guests 7012 acejihyo basketball bestofgary betrayal finding glasscube innocentgary locked mustwatch noguests | 738 | 254 | 34.42% |
 | #301 - 7 vs. 300 (2) 2016-05-29 7.4% No guests 7012 acejihyo armwrestle crazykwangsoo ddakdji ddakji dirtyplay egg emotional funnyjaesuk mondaycouple noguests pillowfight randommrcapable runningmanvs slapmatch sparta spartace tricksters university unluckykwangsoo unluckyseokjin The members continue their battle against the 300 university students. Through various games, both teams show their teamwork, determination and passion. As the members head out for the final mission, they find themselves somewhere deep within the mountains. Will they all be able to complete their mission and escape the mountains? | 739 | 144 | 19.49% |
 | #304 - Oh My Goddess 2016-06-19 7.2% Kim Min-seok Lee Sung-kyung Park Shin-hye Yoon Kyun-sang acejihyo betrayers chase chasing emotional flogging historical hunting jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo kwangsooloveline mondaycouple piggyback pool ripnametag suspense | 758 | 224 | 29.55% |