| #066 - Nationwide Tour Race 2011-10-30 15.0% Kim Sun-a Song Joong-ki breakfast costumes flowerboys funnyjaesuk gangs jumping mondaycouple morningmission poorkwangsoo sleepingjihyo spartace wakeup | 807 | 132 | 16.36% |
 | #104 - Running Olympics 2012-07-22 19.9% Eunhyuk (Super Junior) Hahm Eun-jung (T-ara) Jung Yong-hwa (CNBLUE) Lee Joon (MBLAQ) Nichkhun (2PM) Yim Si-wan (ZE:A) Yoon Doo-joon (Beast) athleticgames badjihyo bells coachkook competitiveguests fddongwan flowerboys gangsterjihyo hideandseek idols jail kjkbeastmode kwangsooannoyingjongkook meepmeep olympics pool poorkwangsoo prettyboys race relay ripnametag runningmanvs schemerharoro suspense teamwork trampoline vjkwonreol volleyball A multilingual and talented MC announces the Running Man team and Idols team. They first compete against each other in a relay race, trampoline volleyball match, water high jump match, and a back-and-forth nametag elimination match. | 918 | 359 | 39.11% |
 | #127 - War of the Zodiac Gods 2013-01-06 20.1% Choi Ji-woo Jung Yong-hwa (CNBLUE) Lee Gi-kwang (Beast) Lee Jong-hyun (CNBLUE) Simon Dominic (Supreme Team) acejihyo beach dodgeball flowerboys hideandseek idols man mustwatch piggyback prettyboys ripnametag spartace teams tossing wakeup Two teams are formed in the morning and each member draws a zodiac animal card. Both teams compete in a beach piggyback challenge, tossing and hide and seek challenge, and dodgeball match. The winning team in each challenge receives a hint as to who received the Snake card. A nametag elimination starts to try to find the Snake person. | 847 | 234 | 27.63% |
 | #129 - Running Winter Olympics 2013-01-20 18.8% Choi Min-ho (Shinee) Hwang Kwanghee (ZE:A) Jung Yong-hwa (CNBLUE) L (Infinite) Lee Jong-hyun (CNBLUE) Lee Joon (MBLAQ) Sulli (f(x)) acejihyo competitiveguests easybrothers fddongwan flowerboys hideandseek icehockey idols kjkbeastmode meepmeep mondaycouple olympics prettyboys ripnametag sonyejin teams virus winter | 827 | 224 | 27.09% |
 | #138 - Control of the School Flag 2013-03-24 19.7% Kim Su-ro Kim Woo-bin Lee Jong-hyun (CNBLUE) Lee Jong-suk Min Hyo-rin acejihyo bestofgary competitiveguests easybrothers flag flowerboys food kjkbeastmode pool prettyboys ripnametag school sparta water wrestling | 897 | 335 | 37.35% |
 | #147 - Flower Boy Athletic Tournament 2013-05-26 16.0% Kim Soo-hyun Lee Hyun-woo acejihyo acupressure bowling chickencatching college fansparticipate flowerboys flyingchair funny godongwon launchchairs mondaycouple mustsee mustwatch pool relay rockpaperscissors school students tossing track tugofwar watermelon Flower boys gather and form 3 teams. Each compete in various athletic competitions, including an acupressure track relay race, rock-paper-scissors game with launching chairs, challenges in a small village, and then a tug-of-war with hundreds of university students. | 1065 | 610 | 57.28% |
 | #162 - King of Idols 2013-09-08 12.9% Bang Min-ah (Girl's Day) Hwang Chan-sung (2PM) Hyolyn (Sistar) Jang Wooyoung (2PM) Jung Eun-ji (Apink) Kim Da-som (Sistar) Kim Sung-kyu (Infinite) L (Infinite) Lee Gi-kwang (Beast) Lee Joon (MBLAQ) Son Na-eun (Apink) Yang Seung-ho (MBLAQ) Yoon Doo-joon (Beast) Yura (Girl's Day) acejihyo apink bestofgary bestofkwangsoo bestofseokjin blobjump competitiveguests dancing dodgeball flowerboys idols kpop mustsee mustwatch platform pool prettyboys race sexyjongkook shinhye teams unluckyjaeseok water Each Running Man is teamed up with an idol music group and introduce themselves in hilarious dance performance. A pool platform match, blop jump, dodgeball match, and a timed escape challenge are held. | 1089 | 589 | 54.09% |
 | #163 - Stealing Princess Jihyo's heart 2013-09-15 11.8% Daesung (Big Bang) G-Dragon (Big Bang) Seungri (Big Bang) bestofjihyo bigbang dogs flowerboys goldjihyo idol idols jihyo kiss luck luckyjihyo mondaycouple mud princess princessjihyo water | 947 | 434 | 45.83% |
 | #186 - Seoul's Faces 2014-02-23 11.4% Jung Yong-hwa (CNBLUE) Kang Min-hyuk (CNBLUE) Lee Jong-hyun (CNBLUE) Lee Jung-shin (CNBLUE) Shim Eun-kyung chamchamcham flowerboys food idols jongsook kwangja medal photo pirateroulette roulette | 673 | 70 | 10.40% |
 | #195 - I'm MC Yoo 2014-05-11 11.4% CL (2NE1) Hwang Chan-sung (2PM) Jang Wooyoung (2PM) Jo Jung-chi (Mystic89) Jun. K (2PM) Lee Jun-ho (2PM) Minzy (2NE1) Muzie (Mystic89) Nichkhun (2PM) Park Bom (2NE1) Sandara Park (2NE1) Yoon Jong-shin (Mystic89) barrelgame chinups coffee dancing dogs easybrothers flowerboys food idols kjkbeastmode matching mcyoo outfits relay ripnametag scubafeet sparta tossing vjkwonreol An MC in a loud outfit leads three teams through a relay, elimination rounds, and a nametag elimination relay. | 824 | 324 | 39.32% |
 | #209 - Legend vs. Young Blood 2014-08-17 10.6% Chun Myung-hoon Danny Ahn (g.o.d) Eun Ji-won (Sechs Kies) Kai (EXO) Lee Tae-min (Shinee) Moon Hee-joon (H.O.T.) Oh Se-hun (EXO) Soyou (Sistar) acejihyo badjihyo bestofjihyo cheatingguests coachkook competitiveguests dirtyplay flowerboys funguests funny funnyjaesuk gangsterjihyo idols launchchairs luckyjihyo mondaycouple monstax mud mustwatch pool prettyboys ripnametag swimming tuna wrestling | 919 | 449 | 48.86% |
 | #230 - Flower Boys' Crush Report 2015-01-18 11.7% Choi Tae-joon Hong Jong-hyun Nam Joo-hyuk Seo Ha-joon Seo Kang-joon (5urprise) flowerboys handsome idols pool prettyboys race relay school water | 748 | 188 | 25.13% |
 | #233 - Idol Race 2015 2015-02-08 11.0% Ahn Daniel (Teen Top) Eric Nam Jang Dongwoo (Infinite) Kim Ryeowook (Super Junior) Kwon So-hyun (4Minute) Lee Min-hyuk (BtoB) N (VIXX) Park So-jin (Girl's Day) Son Dong-woon (Beast) cheating dodgeball easybrothers flowerboys funguests gold idols leaspopular leastpopular mondaycouple mud mudflat prettyboys ripnametag | 749 | 181 | 24.17% |
 | #236 - The Real Man Competition 2015-03-01 10.7% Andy Lee (Shinhwa) Eric Mun (Shinhwa) Hee-chul (ZE:A) Hwang Kwanghee (ZE:A) Jun Jin (Shinhwa) Jun-young (ZE:A) Kim Dong-jun (ZE:A) Kim Dong-wan (Shinhwa) Lee Min-woo (Shinhwa) Park Hyung-sik (ZE:A) Shin Hye-sung (Shinhwa) Tae-heon (ZE:A) competitiveguests dodgeball fansparticipate flowerboys idols mcmong mrcapable mud mudflat mustwatch prettyboys rmteam runningmanvs teams teamwork university | 763 | 256 | 33.55% |
 | #240 - Protect the 20 Year Old Big Nose Brother 2015-03-29 11.0% Kang Ha-neul Kim Woo-bin Lee Jun-ho (2PM) bestepisode bestof2015 birthday cola flowerboys goodfeeling hunters hunting idol karaoke pedometer prettyboys quiz ripnametag rmteam singing teamwork waterbomb | 764 | 195 | 25.52% |