| #003 - Suwon World Cup Stadium, Part 2 2010-07-25 7.1% Goo Hara (Kara) Lee Chun-hee Song Ji-hyo diving goldenpig headphone idol money pool punishment scavenger soccer sparta spartace telepathy vjkwonryeol Continuing on from Episode 2. More fierce games pursue and only 1 team will come out victorious! | 1233 | 136 | 11.03% |
 | #021 - Gwangmyeong Station 2010-12-12 12.0% Kim Je-dong acejihyo buy heartrate hideandseek hotpants platform race ripnametag runningball sparta spartace tickets train This week's episode starts with Running Man having to complete different challenges before reaching Gwangmyeong Station, where they are split into a mission and chasing team. | 975 | 135 | 13.85% |
 | #032 - Woongjin Think Big Office 2011-02-27 12.0% Kim Kwang-kyu Tony An athleticgames basketball bestofgary chocolate findtheguest idol janghyuk mondaycouple office olympics phonecall punishment runningball spartace trackandfield valentines weightlifting Two teams are formed in the Running Man Company and compete against each other in office olympics. The losing team receives a punishment. | 891 | 142 | 15.94% |
 | #057 - Jeju Island Special, Part 1 2011-08-21 13.1% Cha Tae-hyun Shin Se-kyung boat buy coins eating findtheguest food guessthemission jeju spartace | 846 | 127 | 15.01% |
 | #066 - Nationwide Tour Race 2011-10-30 15.0% Kim Sun-a Song Joong-ki breakfast costumes flowerboys funnyjaesuk gangs jumping mondaycouple morningmission poorkwangsoo sleepingjihyo spartace wakeup | 807 | 132 | 16.36% |
 | #070 - Telephone Race 2011-11-27 17.3% Lee Min-ki Park Chul-min Son Ye-jin badjihyo betrayal fddongwan gangsterjihyo highschool mondaycouple phone playboyhaha ripnametag school secretidentity spartace spy train vjkwonryeol | 858 | 148 | 17.25% |
 | #079 - Sherlock Holmes Mystery 2012-01-29 16.2% Kim Je-dong Yoon Do-hyun bestofseokjin bignose busan detective goodconcept mystery sherlockholmes spartace spy | 908 | 276 | 30.40% |
 | #103 - Beauty and the Beast 2012-07-15 21.4% Noh Sa-yeon Shin Se-kyung Yoo Jun-sang balance driving fishoutofwater food goodfeeling piggyback pool princess ripnametag spartace spicy suitcase teams tuna vjkwonreol water | 873 | 307 | 35.17% |
 | #117 - Riddle Race 2012-10-28 20.2% Bae Suzy (miss A) Ji Jin-hee Ji Sung Kim Yu-bin (Wonder Girls) Song Chang-eui athleticgames children eating eunhye fansparticipate hotel idols jumping mondaycouple pedometer piggyback playboyhaha randommrcapable rockpaperscissors school spartace teams teamwork themepark wakeup | 777 | 144 | 18.53% |
 | #127 - War of the Zodiac Gods 2013-01-06 20.1% Choi Ji-woo Jung Yong-hwa (CNBLUE) Lee Gi-kwang (Beast) Lee Jong-hyun (CNBLUE) Simon Dominic (Supreme Team) acejihyo beach dodgeball flowerboys hideandseek idols man mustwatch piggyback prettyboys ripnametag spartace teams tossing wakeup Two teams are formed in the morning and each member draws a zodiac animal card. Both teams compete in a beach piggyback challenge, tossing and hide and seek challenge, and dodgeball match. The winning team in each challenge receives a hint as to who received the Snake card. A nametag elimination starts to try to find the Snake person. | 847 | 234 | 27.63% |
 | #156 - Alien Invasion 2013-07-28 12.8% CL (2NE1) Minzy (2NE1) Park Bom (2NE1) Sandara Park (2NE1) Taeyang (Big Bang) aliens bestofseokjin code crossword dancing gossaum idol idols isubs mannequin park pedometer pool push ripnametag safe songguess spartace squeeze teams towel ufo water waterbottles yooneunhyeteasing Aliens are sent to Earth (Planet R21) in 3 teams to gather exactly 21 litres of water. | 750 | 145 | 19.33% |
 | #182 - Hong Kong Fan's Race 2014-01-26 14.8% Min Do-hee (Tiny-G) Yeo Jin-goo Yim Si-wan (ZE:A) acupressure blobjump chess easybrothers fangames flyingchair funguests goodconcept goodfeeling idol mondaycouple mustwatch oneofthebest pool ripnametag spartace unluckykwangsoo water | 832 | 344 | 41.35% |
 | #213 - Running Man Mini Series - It's Okay, That's Chaebol 2014-09-21 7.0% Choi Yeo-jin Kim Min-seo Lee Yoo-ri Seo Woo Yoo In-young acting chaebol competitiveguests couplerace couples fiercegirls float goodconcept goodguests intense mud mustwatch platform playfuljaeseok pool ripnametag roleplay scavenger shredder slap spartace villain villainguests water whack Couple teams are formed with actresses who play villains in dramas. They must find the guy who has the second generation of inheritance. Mud pool platform and timed shredder challenges are held where the winning team receive hints. In the end a nametag elimination match is held where each actress must stand on a platform with the nametag of the suspected rich guy. | 948 | 517 | 54.54% |
 | #225 - The Last Case 2014-12-14 11.1% Kim Woo-bin Lee Hyun-woo bestofkwangsoo betrayal bromance membersfunnystories mondaycouple pen playfuljaeseok snow spartace spy staringcontest teasingjongkook ugliestmemberdebate wittyhaha | 758 | 254 | 33.51% |
 | #228 - Weather Race 2015-01-04 16.8% Kim Ji-hoon Lee Seung-gi Moon Chae-won happynewyear ice iceage monster mud mutant peperogame spartace stamping teasingkwangsoo thrilling weather | 725 | 140 | 19.31% |